
发布 2021-05-18 13:44:28 阅读 6284


starter lesson1-3
















1. lucy is a clever女孩). so she has many good朋友).

2. my uncle is a司机). he is always忙的).

3. my爷爷) is old. he is八十二岁) but he looks年轻的).

4. amy has many nice**). let me h**e a看).

5. what are your父母)? my father is a医生) in a big医院) and my mother is a老师) in a middle学校).

6. the boy is my表弟). he is善良) .

7. sally is a漂亮) girl. and she is also a**).

8. the man in a blue coat is my叔叔), and on his left is my阿姨).

9. look! there is a图画) and two黑板) on the墙上).

10打开) the door and close the窗户), please.

11在……**) is mr li? -he is on the操场).

12. there are十一) boy学生) in our班级).

13. -how many厕所) are there in the大楼十二).

every楼层) has two.

14. -how many图书馆) are there in your school只有) one.

15. all the花) in the公园) are very漂亮的).

16. there are三孩子) under the tree.

17. please坐下)! don’t站) all the time.

18. my bedroom is as干净的) as yours.

19. the books are on theteacher) desk?

20. there is a bigread) room in my school.

21not swim) in the lake. it’s dangerous.

22. there are sixbox) on the desk.

23. how manyclass) are there in your school?

24. my glasses are in the box. hisbe) on the desk.

25tom my new classmate? (be)


) 1is your mother? -she is a nurse.

a. what job

) 2. what’sthe floor? -it’s a football.

a. atb. forc. ind. on

) 3in the box? -there are twelve pencils in it.

a. what b. what’sc. are pencils d. are there any pencils

) 4is peteris my brother.

a. it, itb. he , she c. this , she d. this , he

) 5your name sandy? yes

a. am; i am b. is; it is c. are; it isd. is; i am

) 6she’s my grandmother.

a. who’s she b. who is he c. what’s she d. who’s he


a. j kb. g ac. h ld. i a

) 8. this ispear tree. it’sold tree.

a. a; anb. a; ac. an; and. an; a

) 9. theretwoteachers there. they are in white blouses.

a. is; woman b. are; women’s c. are; women d. are; men

) 10. -are there three people in your family? -yes

a. they are b. we arec. there are d. there is

) 11teacherschinese.

a my all; are b. all my; is c. the all; are d. all my; are

12. close your books andthe blackboard .

a. look at b. look after c. lookd. see

) 13. it’s timea rest. let’sthe music .

a. h**e; listen b. for; hear c. to h**e; listen to d. for; listen

) 14. i h**estory books , but i don’t h**e __comic books .

a. some ; some b. some ; any c. any ; some d. any; any

) 15. there is a blackboard on the front wall . there is也) a map of china on it .


unit one this is me 1.what s your name?2.this is 3.an instruction book 4.look after 5.make friends with 6.introduce oneself to each other 7.a profile ...


7a unit1 this is me 第七课时。一 重点单词。everyone needs time to unwind.人人都需要时间放松放松。he knew everyone in the business.他认识这家公司的每一个人。eachthey each h e their own pe...


初一英语期中复习练习。一 汉译英。1.邮政编码。2.想要做。3.拥有一家中国餐馆。4.下国际象棋。5.步行去上学。6.以。为职业。7.一年级。8.热衷于。9.喜欢做。10.在中间。11.收到。来信。12.写信给。13.告诉。关于。14.查字典。15.得高分。16.一个叫做。的男孩。17.以。为职业。...