
发布 2021-05-20 03:19:28 阅读 9163


1. it depends onwe h**e enough ifb. whetherc. if or notd. what


2. we discussed __we should make him ifb. whetherc. thatd. what


3. seeing me so pale, he asked mea. what was the matterb.

what the matter wasc. what the matter isd. what is the matter


4. the reason __he was late was __he had taken a wrong that, whyb. why, thatc.

why, becaused. why, because of


5. can you tell me___the railway station?a.

how i can get tob. how can i get toc. where i can get tod.

where can i get to


根据the railway station这一信息排除c项。6he said at the meeting astonished everybody whatb. thatc.

the faced. the matter答:a。

what意为“所……的”。7. go and get your coat.

it’s __you left thereb. wherec. there whered.

where there


8. no one can be sure __in a million what man will look likeb. what will man look likec.

man will look like whatd. what look will man like答:a。


9we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the ifb. whetherc. thatd. where


①whether he’ll come or not doesn’t matter much.主语从句②the problem is whether you h**e time.表语从句。

i h**e no idea whether we’ll go to the great wall.同位语从句④whether you agree or not, we’ll go there.让步状语从句。

i don’t know whether to go or not.不定式前。

i’m not quite sure about whether he can help us.介词后。

we are now discussing whether we’ll put off the meeting, discuss之后10. _the boy didn’t study hard made his mother whichb. whatc.

thatd. it



11. the truth is___he doesn’t work hard whyb. whatc. thatd. which


12. these wild flowers are very rare. 1 will doi can to s**e whateverb.

thatc. whichd. whichever


13. i remember __this used to be a quiet whenb. howc.

whered. what答:a。


14. we were all very much worried over the factyou were thatb. whatc.

whichd. about which答:a。

that引导的是同位语从句。15. china isn’t___she used to whatb.

thatc. whichd. /


16. _there is life on the moon is whetherb. ifc.

thatd. what答:c。

根据impossible这一信息词可排除a项。17. there is no doubt___he’ll succeed in the whatb.

thatc. whetherd. if

答:b。一般情况下表示怀疑的、不确信的事常用whether,表示不怀疑、确信的事常用that。如:doubtdon’t know

iwonderwhether ..am not surequestionam sure

idon’t doubtthat ..don’t question

18. it is generally considered unwise to give child___he or she howeverb. whateverc.

whicheverd. whenever

答:b。whatever凡是,所……的一切19. it’s uncertain

a. why did he do itb. why does he do itc.

when did he do itd. whether he did it or not答:d。


20. it is true___he said surprised us whatb. thatc. that whatd. what that

答:c。it为形式主语,真实主语为that从句,whath he said为从句中的主语。

21. _can be done has been whichb. whenc.

whatd. that答:c。

本句童为“能做的事都做了”。22. i’ll do___i can to help whatb.

thatc. whichd. all what


what=all that23. one of the two men held the view___the book said was that whatb. what thatc.

thatd. whether


24. _you do should be good for the no matter whatb. whateverc.

no matter howd. however

答:b。whatever在意思上相当于no matter what,但含有no matter的从句一般不做主语或宾语。

25. _le**es last ought to turn off the whob. anyonec.

whoeverd. the person答:c。

whoever=anyone who

26. it worried her a bit___her hair was turning whileb. thatc. ifd. for


27. when do you thinka. will he comeb.

he will comec. is he comingd. did he come

答:b。do you think为插入语,含有插入语的特殊疑问句用陈述语序。

28. can you make sure___the gold ring?a.

where alice had putb. where had alice putc. where alice has putd.

where has alice put答:c。宾语从句应用陈述语序,应用现在完成耐。

29. a computer can only doyou h**e instructed it to howb. afterc.

whatd. when答:c。

本句童为“电脑只能做你要求它傲的事。”30.—i think it’s going to be a big problemyes, it could be.

i wonder___we can do about ifb. howc. whatd. that


”31. i wonder___i can do more for our whatb. howc.

whateverd. however


意为“我不知道如何能为国家多做些贡献。”32. there is a feeling in me __we’ll never know what a ufo thatb.

whichc. of whichd. what


33.—i drove to zhuhai for the air show last week.—is thatyou had a few days off?

a. whyb. whenc.

whatd. where


”why引导的是表语从句。34. _you don’t like him is none of my whatb.

whoc. thatd. whether


意为“你不喜欢他不关我的事。”35. you can’t imagine___when they received these nice christmas how they were excitedb.

how excited they werec. how excited were theyd. they were how excited答:


friends with___shares my whomeverb. whoeverc. whateverd. whichever


37. _will go there has not been decided whob. thatc.

whatd. those


”38. when and where we’ll hold the meetinga. has not decided yetb.

h**e not decided yet

c. has not been decided yetd. h**e not been decided yet


39. what he does and what he isb. arec.

bed. to be答:b。


40. what we need __two english isb. arec. bed. to be



疑问句和反意疑问句。1either you or mary from england?a.isb.arec.hasd.h e 答 b。either.or.句式,谓语动词的数一般与or后的人称一致,但在疑问句中本着就近的原则,故选b项。2.come to help us?a.ought heb.oug...


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