
发布 2021-05-14 12:10:28 阅读 7164





1.that is all right.没关系。/不客气(用于别人道歉或致谢时)

that is right.说得对。(相当于you are right.

)—it will be too late when you know it.—that is right.

all right.1)不错。—how is the school going,mike?—oh,all right.

2)没事的。—i'd better go there and make sure she is all right. —everything will be all right.

3)好的。/行。(=ok)—can you get my photo ready by friday?—all right.

2.with pleasure.

1)十分乐意。(用于别人求助时) —can you fix the radio for me?—with pleasure.

2)非常乐意。(用于邀请时) —will you come?—with pleasure,madam.

it is /that is)a /my pleasure.别客气。(用于别人道谢时) —thank you for your timely help.

—my pleasure.

3.don't mention it.

1)不用客气。(主要用于别人道谢时) —thanks for the ride home.—don't mention it.

2)没关系。(少数情况下也可用来回答道歉)—i apologize for what i said just now.—don't mention it.

4.no problem.

1)没问题。(=by all means./out of question.

答应别人) —could you post the card for me?—no problem.

2)没问题。(表示有能力做某事) —can you make a kite?—no problem.

3)没问题。(用来表示安慰) —i've left my money at home. —no can lend you some.

4)没关系。/没什么。(主要用于美国英语中) —i'm sorry to h**e kept you waiting here for so long.

—no problem.

5.forget it.

1)没关系。/别在意。(用来回答道歉) —i'm really sorry to h**e broken your vase.

—forget 's not expensive.

2)别放在心上。(表示某物/事不重要) —how much do i owe you?—forget it.

3)算不了什么。/不用谢了。(用于回答感谢) —i am grateful to you for your help. —oh,it's nothing,forget it.

4)别说了。/得了吧。(表示对别人所说的有点儿烦)forget 's been set for weeks.

6.at your service.听候吩咐。

7.go ahead

1)说吧/做吧/开始吧/请便(表示同意或允许)—may i start?—yes,go ahead.

2)继续……吧(表示继续做某事)go ahead,we're all listening.

8.after you

你先请(用作进出门或进餐等场合) —after you,sir. —thanks.

9.not at all.

1)不用谢。/不客气。(回答感谢) —thanks for your help. —not at all.

2)没关系。(回答道歉) —i'm sorry to be late. —not at 've been here only a few minutes.

3)一点儿也不。/不介意。(回答would/do you mind...do you mind my opening the window?—not at ahead.

10.i bet.

我敢肯定。/保证没错。(有把握或信心) i bet he(will)win.我肯定会赢。

you bet.当然啦。/那还用说。(表示对方所提出的事实是显然的) —can you do it?—you bet.

11.good luck.祝你走运。

i'll take the driving test tomorrow.—good luck.

bad luck./hard luck./ill luck.运气真不好。/真倒霉。(同情或安慰某人)—bad luck! i lost my pocket.

12.never mind.

用于当别人为某事烦恼或向你道歉时。—oh,dear! i've just broken a window.—never can't be repaired.

13.take your time.不急。/慢慢来。

take it easy.别担心。/别紧张。/别生气。

i am afraid i can't return the book to you before friday. —take your time.


1.i can't agree more.再同意不过了。—shall we go out for a picnic tomorrow?—i can't agree more.


完全是这样。/正是。—do you mean he is to blame?


3.absolutely not.绝对不行。/绝对不会。(表示强烈的否定或拒绝)

do you think i can trust him?—absolutely not.

4.not exactly.不见得。/不完全是。

do you think he will lend money to us?—not exactly.

5.not really.

1)确实不行。—do you think we can get to the airport on time?—not really unless we take a taxi.

2)不完全是。—do you hate other's smoking in the office?—not really.

6.by all means.当然可以。/没问题。—may i borrow your computer?—by all means.

7.by no means.绝不。

8.out of the question不可能/不行。

9.it(all)depends./ that(all)depends.得看情况而定。

are you going to the dance party this saturday?—it all depends.

10.why not?用来表示同意,并不是问“为什么不可以?”—let's go to a movie after work,ok?—why not?

11.it's a deal.一言为定。


1.what if...如果出现某种情况怎么办?

2.how come?怎么会?

3.if only...但愿!/要是……就好了!

4.so what...那又怎么样呢?(表示不在乎,不服气)

andrew won't like it,you know.—so what?i don't care what andrew thinks!

5.got it.知道了。/明白了。—please buy me some fruits.—got it !

6.what for!做什么用?/为什么?


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