英语考试复习 大三毕业班

发布 2021-05-20 00:15:28 阅读 6165

一、a. 恒星齿轮 b.高扭力 c. 行星齿轮 d.减速器 e 划线平板偏摆

f 负荷分配 g头尾中心垂直校准 h 卡盘偏摆 i 头架平行校准。


gear (c )

gear (a )

reducer (d )

(b )5. load distribution (f )

6. headstock alignment horizontal (i)

7. tailstock spindle alignment horizontal ( j)

8. vertical alignment of head and tail centers ( g )

9. face plate runout ( e )

10. chuck runout (h )

a—kitchen utensilsb—mold c**ity

c—horizontal pressd—rotational molding

e--injection moldingf—anti-corrosion solution

g—grease the shaftsh—hard instrument

i – tough dirtj—sewing machine oil

1 抗腐蚀溶剂 (f2 缝纫机油 (j )

3 坚硬的器具 ( h4 顽固的灰尘 ( i )

5 给机轴涂油 ( g6 厨具 ( a )

7 卧式压力机 ( c8 滚塑成型 ( d )

9 模具型腔 ( b10 注塑成型 (e )

二、1. he (adjustable) _adjustabled__himself very quickly to the heat of the country.

2. the new secretary is a quick, (efficiency) _efficient__worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.

3. citizens may h**e free (accessibility) _access_to the library.

4. my company (manufacture) _manufactures__ toys and games for children.

5. i wanted to go to greece, and my wife wanted to go to spain, so we (compromise) _compromised__ on italy.

6. miller was a quiet and (reliability) _reliable_ man.

7. the plane appeared to h**e crashed because of a (machine) _mechanical _problem.

8. she arrived to carry out a health and safety (inspect) _inspection _of the building.

9. the machine won’t function (proper) _properly _if you don’t oil it well.

10. other researchers soon confirm their (find) _findings_.

11. the committee made a number of (recommend) recommendations for improving safety standards.

12. the volunteers (contribution) contributed their own time to the project.

13. with the development of science and technology, many products, which were imported from other countries, are now being (local) localized .

14. if goods are not well made you should complain to the (manufacture) manufacturer

15. a healthy person offers more (resist) resistance to disease than a weak person.

16. they (replace) replaced the old machines with new ones

17. the (similar) similarity between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.

18. we make good use of special(plastic) plastics in place of metal.

19. there is no point in applying this fertilizer regardless of the (**ailable) **ailability of grass.

20. the young people spoke at (long) length about their deep-sea exploration.

三、1. _由于投资少), our industrial output has remained stagnant. (due to)

2. i g**e him full directions to好让他能找到那所房子).(enable)

3. 我们的产品无论是**还是质量,都在市场上具有竞争优势。(in terms of )

4. from your smile我们断定你很高兴). infer that)

5. the study didn’t没有包含任何人体试验). involve)

6. it is a good little car, but __it has many obvious limitations _

( 它有很多明显的不足之处). limitation)

7. _with the process of technological localization __随着技术的本土化), the prices for some automobiles h**e been reduced dramatically. (localize)

8. this technology is moving正朝着更广泛的应用方向发展). in the direction of)

9. the class__varies from 15 to 18 in age (年龄从15岁到18岁不等).(vary from...to)

10. it is necessary to _mount the lathe to a board_

(把机床安装在一块木板上). mount… to…)

11. (hollow molds )装有塑料粉末的中空模具固定从主轴延伸到许多管状轴上,主轴带动整个模具系统转至一个密闭熔炉间,高温时模具内的粉末融化后附在模具内壁,模具慢慢旋转至一个冷却时,在这里喷射出的水使得模具内的塑料冷却硬化从而形成一个中空部件。

12. (one of the )检验生产过程最重要的手段之一是统计质量管理,在质量管理中,通过对从产品总体中抽取的样本进行检验判断产品的质量,样品中随机抽取对所采样品中每一件产品的某种品质和特征进行校验和检测,统计质量管理的目标是判断生产过程是否游离于质量管理之外,以便采取纠正措施。四、

dear sirs,i would like to apply for the job of sales manager that i 1(see)saw advertised in the local *****.

i am 30 years old. i was born in canada but my family 2(had moved) moved to new york when i was ten and i 3(am living) h**e been living here ever since. i 4(h**e left college for eight yearsand since then i 5(am h**ing) h**e had several jobs in sales.

for the past three years i 6(am workingh**e been working in wal-mart supermarket. the manager 7(has been sayinghas sayedthat he is willing to give me a reference.


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作者 党汉娟。都市家教 上半月 2017年第12期。摘要 随着社会的发展,我对于教育事业的要求开始变得越来越高。初中毕业班作为初中课程结束与中考前最为重要的一个阶段,其英语的复习教学一直以来都是教育人员所关注的重点问题。在这个阶段中,需要对初中所学习的英语知识进行综合性的整理,帮助学生理清英语学习的...