
发布 2021-05-19 17:56:28 阅读 9522

be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

pay attention to doing sth 专心做某事。

look forward to doing sth 期望做某事。

prefer doing sth . to doing sth 喜欢做某事,而不喜欢做某事。

to 是介词,不是不定式。

enjoy doing sth = like doing sth 喜欢做某事。

finish doing sth = end up doing sth 完成做某事

practice doing sth 练习做某事。

could you mind (not) doing sth 你介意(不)做某事吗 ?

how (what) about doing sth? 做某事怎麽样?

be busy doing sth 忙于做某事。

make a living (by) doing sth 靠做某事谋生

h**e fun doing sth 做某事很高兴。

h**e a hard time doing sth =h**e trouble (in) doing sth =h**e problem doing sth 做某事有困难

sb spend some time (in) doing sth 某人花费时间做某事

can’t stand doing sth 无法忍受做某事

be always doing sth = keep doing sth 一直(总是)做某事。

can’t stop doing sth 情不自禁做某事。

consider doing sth 考虑做某事

keep sb. doing sth 使某人持续做某事

find sb . doing sth 发现某人正在做某事

see (watch) sb . doing sth 看见某人正在做某事


1 . cost / take / spend / pay 花费

花费时间做某事 : it takes sb some time to do sth . sb spend some time (in)doing sth .

=sb spend some time on sth

某人花钱买某物 : sb spend some money on sth . sb pay some money for sth .

sth cost sb . some money

spend 和 pay 主语都是人, cost 主语是物。

spent 还可以指“度过”→ how did you spend your weekend ?

1 the sweaterme 90 yuan . i __90 yuan for the sweater .=i __90 yuan on the sweater .

2 he spent lots of moneythe mobile phone .

3 ither 20 minutes to go home every day . he20 minuteshome every day

2 . thanks for 为…而感谢inviting me to your birthday party .

thanks to 多亏/由于 ⑵_your help .i got good grades . 3 . 感叹句 :多么… what + 名词

how + 形容词 / 副词

bad weatherhard he works

fresh vegetablescute a monkey it is

4 . 因为、由于 : because( 连词 ) 从句: (表示原因。

because of(介词短语) +名词(短语 )=thanks to ⑴ i didn’t go to school __i had a headache .

2 he was late for class __the bad weather .

3 he can’t come __he is ill .

4 many people h**e a cold __the cold weather .

because和 so不能同时连用 .

5 . 来自 : be from = come from

where are you from ? where __you

he is from tibet . hetibet .

6 . how often 对频率提问 ( 多久一次) →回答用表示频率的副词或短语。

how long 对一段时间提问 (多久 ) 回答用表示一段时间的状语

how soon 对将来时间提问 ( 多久 ) 回答用 in+时间段

how far 询问多长距离(多长)

h**e you been collecting the kites ? for ten years .

do you go shopping ? sometimes.

will your father come back ? in two years .

- _do you exercise ? once a week .

- _is it from your home to school ? about ten miles .


一 介词按其构成可分为 1.简单介词 at,in,on,to,since,until等。如 he s worked there since 1998.2.复合介词 into,onto,out of等。如 she is out of school.她毕业了。3.二重介词 from under,from...


1.宾语从句 怎样判断出一个从句是宾语从句?在动词后作宾语 动宾 do you know where he comes from?划线部分是动词know的宾语。在有些接双宾结构的动词后作宾语 he asked me when we would le e.此句中me与从句when 分别是ask的宾语。...

