中考英语精讲复习高频考查词汇 要点提示 专项专练

发布 2021-05-19 05:18:28 阅读 1109



集中记忆】agree v. 同意;赞成

agree with sb., agree to do sth.

afraid adj. 害怕的;担心的。

be afraid of sb. (sth.) doing sth., be afraid to do sth.

afford v. 负担得起;买得起

afford to do sth.

allow v. 允许;准许

allow sb. to do sth.

care v. 对……在意;对……计较 n. 照顾;关心。

care about sb. /sth., care for sb. /sth., take care of sb. /sth.

decide v. 决定;决心

decide to do sth., decide + 疑问词 + to do, decide on sth. /doing sth.

decision n. 决心;决定

make a decision (to do sth.)

different adj. 不同的;有区别的。

be different from sb. /sth.

end n. &v. 结尾;结束。

at the end of, by the end of, in the end, end up

enjoy v. 享受……的乐趣;欣赏。

enjoy doing sth., enjoy oneself

enough adj. &adv. 充足的(地);充分的(地)

.. enough to do sth.

expect v. 期望;预料

expect (sb.) to do sth.

find (found, found) v. 发现;找到。

find out, find sb. doing sth.

full adj. 饱的;吃胀了的

be full of

finish v. 结束;完成

finish doing sth.

give (g**e, given) v. 给;授予。

give away, give out, give up

good adj. 良好的;令人满意的

be good at, be good for, be good with

hand n. 手 v. 交;上交

hand in, hand out

hear (heard, heard) v. 听到;听见

hear about sth., hear of sb. /sth.,

hear sb. doing / do sth.

help n. &v. 帮助;帮忙

help sb. (to) do sth., help sb. with sth.

interest n. 兴趣;爱好 v. 使……感兴趣

take an interest in sth.

interested adj. 有兴趣的

be / become interested in sth.

keep (kept, kept) v. 保存;保持着某一状态;抚养; 饲养。

keep sb. +形容词; keep sb. doing sth., keep out, keep ..down

laugh v. 笑;发笑

laugh at sb.

mind v. 介意。

mind (not) doing sth.

practise n. &v. 练习;实践。

practise doing sth.

pretend v. 假装。

pretend to do sth.

provide v. 提供;供给。

provide sb. with sth., provide sth. for sb.

regard v. 将……视为。

regard ..as

remember v. 牢记;记住。

remember to do sth., remember doing sth.

same n. &adj. 同样(的) /相同(的)

the same as ..at the same time

seem v. 像是;似乎。

seem to do sth., it seems / seemed that ..

spend (spent, spent) v. 度过;花费。

spend ..on sth., spend ..in / on) doing sth.

stay v. 停留;留下; 继续是;保持。

stay away from sb. /sth., stay up

stop n. 车站 v. 停止;终止。

at the bus stop, stop doing sth., stop to do sth.

suppose v. 假定;认为;期望。

be supposed to do sth.

sure adj. &adv. 肯定;当然;的确。

be sure to do sth.

thank v. &n. 感谢;谢谢。

thanks for doing sth.

think (thought, thought) v. 想;考虑;认为;觉得。

think about, think of, think over, think up

try v. 试图;设法;努力

try doing sth., try to do sth., try one’s best to do sth.

use n. 用处 v. 使用;利用。

be used for (doing) sth., be used to do sth.

way n. (某个)方面;(某)点; 路;路线;路途; 方法;手段;方式;样式。

by the way, in the way, in this way, on one’s way (to), go out of one’s way to do sth.

带双宾语的动词:bring, buy, fetch, get, give, lend, offer, pass, post, sell, send, show, take, teach, tell

多义词:end n. 尽头,结尾 v. 结束。

face n. 脸v. 面对。

last adj. 最后的;上一个的 v. 持续。

like v. 喜欢;爱好prep. 像;如同。

look v. 看; 望; 看起来n. 注视; 外表;外貌。

open adj. 开着的;营业中的 v. 打开。

order v. 预订;点(菜);命令;指示 n. 订单;订货。

park n. 公园 v. 停车。

point n. 要点 v. 指;指向。

watch n. 手表 v. **;注视。

专项练习】. 请从各题后所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最佳答案。

)1. loud noise may cause hearingfor a short time or even for ever.

a. resultsb. questions c. accidents d. problems

)2. he bought a computer yesterday. ithim 2,000 yuan.

a. took b. spent c. cost d. paid

)3. many students usuallytheir seats to the old and the disabled on buses.

a. offer b. pass c. sell d. provide

)4. —what do you think of my birthday party, maria?

i like it. it’s reallyi think.

a. bored b. boring c. excited d. exciting

)5. would you please speak slowly? i can hardlyyou.

a. keep b. agree with c. followd. hear of

)6. our english teacher says learning englishhard work, or nothing will be got.

a. requires b. records c. refusesd. realizes

)7. it was getting late when she finally

a. showed up b. set up

c. grew upd. looked up

)8. it’s raining hard. they h**e tothe sports


a. put offb. join in c. keep outd. decide on

)9. my brotherlemons to oranges.

a. likesb. enjoys c. lovesd. prefers

)10. i failed the maths exam last monthhow do you study maths?


1.add 作动词,意为 加,增加 常用以下结构 1 add to 意为 把加到 例如 don t add fuel to the flames.别再火上浇油了。2 add to表示 增加 增添 其中to是介词,后接名词或代词。例如 whichaddedtotheirbeauty.参加晚会的姑娘人人...


汇精讲。prepare for prepare作动词,意为 准备 其用法归纳如下 1 prepare sth.意为 准备 宾语是所准备的内容。例如 mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen.妈妈在厨房准备饭菜。he had a speech to prep...


复习名词 一。选择填空。1.they said the eighteenth and last lesson quite easy.a.is b.was c.are d.were 2.when are you going to kumming for your holidays?i h en t d...