
发布 2021-05-19 04:06:28 阅读 9125



1. the box is f_ll of apple.

2. i’m lucy and my s_ster is lily.

3. that g_ _l looks like her mother.

4. what colour is it ? it’s bl_ck.

5. we often help _ ch other.

6. don’t dr_ _on the wall. we must keep the wall clean.


brother has many englishbook)

g**etwo pens yesterday.(we)

isn’t ourclassroom. it’sthey)

book isthan the dictionary.(thin)

tao singsin his class.(well)

**isited our school. (farm)

chinese people are veryfriend)


a. may i ? thanks.

not h**e a mooncake ?

c. it has an egg in it.

d. which would you like, the one with fruit or theone withnuts?

very b: yes, a. little.15 .

a16b: i’d like the one with nuts. oh

a: would you like another one?

bthis one looks nice. what’s in it ?18

a: can’s you see ? look

b: mum ! it’s great !


20.这个小孩既不能读也不能写。the boy, can, read, write

21.他太着急,不知道下步做什么。he, is, worried, knowwhat to do next

22.我正帮我母亲做饭。i, my mother, the cooking,now

23.直到雨停了,她们才出去。they, go out, the rain,stop


it, me, only, three days, finish, this book,last week


he, me, wait, half an hour, at the school gate


1. i did rather __差)in the race.

2. what are you going to do in your __两个月的) holiday?

3. the farmers are both busy __种)vegetables now.

4. he must be __阻止)from crossing the street whenthe lights are red.

5. why do you __不喜欢)tr**elling by air?

6. lily felt sad because her bird was __死了).

二十)century,theworldpopulation had passed six billion,.

8. at the医务室),kate was looked over carefullyby


10. he put his other shoe under his bed very轻轻地).



1. jack did well in maths.(就划线部分提问)

jack __in maths?

2. do these students often sing the english song?(变成被支语态)

___the english song often __by these students?

3. at the age of four , she began to learn dancing.(改写成复合句)

she began to learn dancing

4. she was so weak that she didn`t catch up with others.(改写句子,句意不变)

she wasto catch up with others.

5. shall we go out for a walk after supper?(改写句子,句意不变)

a walk after supper?

6. neither of us has much time to write back to him.

we both h**e too much work to do .(改写句子,句意不变)

both of ushis letter.



i hope everything


two factories near the bridge.


a journey alwaysthe first step.




ithis subjectin such a hurry.


theyou h**e sports, the __you will be .



charley: come on ,steve. 1

steve: wait a moment. _2___

charley: ok.

steve: by the way, can we give my sister a ride home tonight?

charley: sure. 3

steve: yes .she wants to take some pictures.


steve: yeah. she wants to work for a news***** someday.

charley: but i think it might be hard for her to succeed.5

a. well ,she always enjoys sports games, doesn`t she?

b. i dind`t know eva was interested in photography.

c. there are a lot of photographers out there.

d. you mean she `s coming to the game, too?

e. i just h**e to close up the shop.

f. it`s time to go



sons always came home to help get in the h___on the farm.

boy lost one of his f___teeth when he fell off hisbike.

s___along here and piease keep together.

was cold and she put her hands in her coat p___

put on her hat, looked at herself in the m___andwent out.


more, one, question, help,money, bring

another,pair, present, see,put, kinds

a:do you h**e (71)__colour for this skirt?

b:what colour would you like?


b:that's no (73)__we h**e that colour.

a:good. may i(74)__it?

b:just wait for a minute. i'll (75)__it over.

a:do you h**e any boxes to (76)__the things in ?

b:sure. i'ss sak someone to get(77)__for you .

a:thanks a lot.

b:you're welcome. is there anything else i can (78)__with?

a:yes. i'd like a (79) _of sunglasses.

b:well, we h**e many (80) _over there.


1 已知如图,在平面直角坐标系中o1 0 o1半径为,弧af 弧ab,连bf交ad于e,求e f点坐标。2 如图,已知 ab ac,点o在ab上,o过点b,分别与bc ab交于d e两点,过d点作df ac于f。1 求证 df是 o的切线 2 若ac与 o相切于点g,o的半径为3,cf 1,求ac长...


专题训练二电学专题。一 填空题 每空1分,共15分 1 一个导体两端加4 v电压时,通过它的电流强度为0.8 a,当把它两端电压变为6 v时,通过它的电流为 a,它的电阻为。2 如图所示的电路中,定值电阻r2为10 闭合开关s 前后干路中总电流的比为2 3,则r1的阻值为 3 标有 2.5 v 0....


一 填空题 每空1分,共42分 5a ma a 3v kvmv 2.5km 2 电阻是导体本身的一种性质,其大小决定于导体的和。3 如图所示,r1 3 r2 6 则开关断开和闭合时,a,b间的电阻分别为和。4 物理学成果在军事上有广泛的应用,有一种称为石墨炸弹的 在战时被用来破坏敌方的供电设施,这种...