《典范英语》 1b L9 教学设计新

发布 2021-05-18 14:13:28 阅读 3203





look! what was mum doing?

mum was in a pancake race.(2)展示egg and spoon race的**,与学生互动:

look, they were in a race. what did they h**e in their hands? eggs and spoons.

they were h**ingan egg and spoon race.(3)展示sack race的**:

look! what were they doing? they were h**ing a sack race. they jumped like a kangaroo.

4)展示three-legged race**:

look! they were h**ing a three-legged race.(5)展示故事标题,与学生互动,并自然过渡到看图讲故事环节:

which race do you like? why? yes, they are all very funny, right?

so we can call them “sillyraces". follow me,please: “silly races".


one day, kipper’s family had silly races. was it fun? who were in the silly races?

now let’slisten.

step2. while reading:理解故事情节感受一家人一起趣味赛跑的乐趣。

1. listen and think.2.

read and answer:who were in the silly races? (请学生回答并把相应人物图贴在黑板上)who was the winner?

what did they get? now let’s read the story again.

3. storytelling

picture 1)look! they were in an egg and spoon race. who ran?

yes, kipper ran. pay attention: ran, can, fan, van.(渗透语音教学)

who can act like kipper?


look! i h**e two bats and ping pang balls. who wants to play?


she/he got __congratulations!was kipper the winner? yes, he was the no.

1. what would he get?

picture 2)now look at the table, there are many gifts/prize. what can you see? i can see...

what would kipper get? kipper got a banana. who g**e him the banana?

mum. andmum g**e him a star. everyone clapped their hands.

congratulations! kipper!

picture 3)look! they were in a sack race. who ran in the sack race?

yes, dad and mum ran in the front? mum or dad? yes, mum.

she was the first. can you jump like akangaroo? who wants to play?

(请2名同学比赛袋鼠跳,引导他们说:__ran. he/shegotpicture 4)mum was the winner.

what would she get? she got an apple. what was kipperdoing?

picture 5,6)look! mum and dad. biff and chip. what were they doing?1

they were h**ing a three-legged race. who ran together?

yes, biff and chip ran. mum anddad ran. where is the finish line?

it’s dad and mum ran to the opposite. how funny! so biffand chip were the…

what would they get? they got an orange. what were other people doing?

picture 7,8)aha, mum and dad had another silly race. look at dad and mum’s wason the flipper, and the other was on a rain boot. how funny!

who ran? dad ran, mum ran, and floppyran, too. why did floppy run?

because he saw a black cat. what would happen next? (设置悬念,让学生猜)can they hit together?

look at picture8. oh no! dad fell.

poor old dad!(配合表情)do you think dad was the winner?yes.

can he get a gift?(picture 9)aha, dad got a duck. it was a green duck.

look at mum! what did she do? mumg**e dad her star.

everyone was the winner. right? was it fun?

do you like the story?

step3. practice

1. listen and imitate together. (打开书,齐模仿)

2. be a super star,read in groups and individuals. (给出评价标准,分组模仿朗读,先小组,后个人)

3. work in groups, practice reading the story.(四人小组,练习模仿,每人读两幅图,最后一幅图齐读。)

4. act out the story. (请一组同学上台表演朗读)

5. retell the story

1. listen to the story and read it dramatically.

2. copy the story.

3. hold a silly race in your family at the weekend. draw and write a new story.

《典范英语》 1a L6 教学参考

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