英语II 1 期末复习提纲2 06 02 11

发布 2021-05-18 02:00:28 阅读 8683


1. 教材unit 6,unit 12,unit 18三个复习单元;

2. **电大印发的《开放英语(3)期末复习指导》内一套样题和两套模拟题(两套模拟题的作文放在“英语ii (1)期末复习提纲2012-6”中);

3. 英语ii (1)期末复习提纲2012-6(如下)

英语ii(1)期末复习提纲 2012-6


1.-excuse me, how can i get to the nearest supermarket? d

问路 a. it’s not very far from here

b. the supermarket is very large

c. the goods there are very expensive

d. sorry, sir. i’m a stranger here myself. 新来的礼貌原则。

2.i h**e an appointment with dr. johnson. c 跟医生有预约


a. the appointment is put off b. you look sick and weak

c. please wait for minute. he is busy now d. tell me your id number

3.afternoon, sir. where to? a 出租车司机说的话。


a. please get me to the airport b. please pick me up next time

c. i’ve been to the airport d. the plane will take off in an hour

4.— can i help you to get it down? c 提供帮助。

— .要表示感激

a. no problem b. yes. let’s get it

c. thanks. it’s so nice of you d. it’s no trouble at all

5. —i’m trying to call marie, but there’s no answer. d 陈述事实。

. 表示一点猜测。

a. i didn’t realize that b. here is a message for her

c. i’m really sorry about it d. really? maybe she’s out

6. —are you sure about thatd 一般疑问句, 一定要用yes, no回答。

a. you needn’t worry about that b. i like the idea.

c. oh, no. i’m afraid of that d. oh, yes. i’m absolutely positive 相当肯定。

7.— would you like to see the menu 菜单? a 在餐厅。

a. no, thanks. i already know what to order 点菜 b. your menu is very clear

c. i hear the food here is tastyd. the setting is very comfortable

8.— what if my computer doesn’t workb what if 要是怎么样,我该怎么办。

a. i’m not good at computer b. ask anne for help 让anne帮忙。

c. i’ve called the repair shop d. there must be something wrong

9.— how’s the movie? interestingc 问意见

a. it was shown late until midnight

b. it was starred by a few famous people

c. far from. i should h**e stayed home watching tv 远远不是, 我应该呆在家里看电视(事实上没有)

d. i was seated far away in the corner

10.— is this the motel汽车旅馆 you mentioned 提到b 一般疑问句。

a. it looks comfortable b. yes, it’s as quiet as we expected 跟我们期望的一样安静。

c. you’re so considerate d. no, the price’s reasonable 合理的。

11. —hello, sally. how’s everythingd 情况怎么样。

a. good for youb. oh, i agree c. that’s rightd. just so-so 一般般。

12. —excuse me, would you lend me your calculator 计算器? a 向别人借东西。

a. certainly. here you are给你 b. please don’t mention it

c. it’s nothing d. yes, i h**e a hand

13. —i don’t like the sports programs on sundaysb

a. so do ib. neither do i我也不喜欢 c. so am i d. neither am i

14. —what’s the problem, harryd

a. no problem b. no trouble at all

c. thank you for asking me about it d. i can’t remember where i left my glasses 我想不起眼镜放在**了。

15. -will you go on a picnic 野餐 with us tomorrow? b 邀请。

a. yes, but i’ll h**e english classes

b. sorry, i h**e an appointment with dr. brown 表示礼貌, 不能去要说sorry

c. i’m afraid i h**e no idea

d. neither am i

16.-would you like to h**e dinner with us this evening? b 邀请。

a. i don’t know

b. sorry, but this evening i h**e to go to the airport to meet my parents

c. no, i can’t

17. —may i help you, madamd 在买东西。

a. sorry, i h**e no idea b. yes, i know what to buy

c. you’d better give me a hand d. yes, i’d like 2 kilos of oranges 买2公斤桔子。


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