
发布 2021-05-16 10:14:28 阅读 2742








i. statements 15*2=30

direction: part 1. statements.

in this part you will hear 15 statements. each of the statements will be read only once. listen carefully and choose the best answers to what you h**e heard:


a: it’s too careful of you.

b: don’t forget that.

c: don’t worry about that.

d: no, thanks.

a: i don’t like that.

b: yes, you may.

c: no, thanks.

d: certainly.

a: yes, please.

b: you’re welcome.

c: that’s very kind of you.

d: of course.

a: yes, it’s very kind of you.

b: yes, thanks for inviting me.

c: what’s the matter?

d: it doesn’t matter.

a: that’s fine with me.

b: what’s the matter?

c: what a good idea!

d: that’s very kind of you.

a: i’d love to, but my son was sick.

b: no, thanks. when shall we go?

c: that’s great. i must be le**ing.

d: take care. good night.

a: yes, i like shanghai very much.

b: yes, it’s my first time to meet you.

c: no, i didn’t like the place at all.

d: no. i was here last year.

a: i am fond of roses very much.

b: what about buying a bunch of flower?

c: i’m glad you like them.

d: how much for one bunch?

a: what’s the matter?

b: that’s all right.

c: oh, really sorry!

d: slightly better.

a: near the school.

b: in the office.

c: the third floor.

d: it’s a new flat.

a: of course.

b: take it easy.

c: forget it.

d: never mind.

a: i’ve caught a cold.

b: i wish you the best of luck.

c: i am preparing for my competition.

d: i’ve won the first prize of the game.

a: no worries. enjoy yourself.

b: what a pity! i’m sorry to hear that.

c: ok. good bye and good luck.

d: i really must be going.

a: yes. i can’t agree with you any more.

b: yes. the weather is bad yesterday.

c: no. i h**e to book a ticket.

d: no. everything is okay with my mum.

a: it’s very kind of you.

b: all right. go ahead.

c: how beautiful you are!

d: noting is impossible.

ii. short conversations 15*2=30

direction: part 2. short conversations.

in this part you will hear 15 short conversations. each of the conversations will be read only once. listen carefully and choose the best answers to what you h**e heard:


(m=man, w=woman, q=question)


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