
发布 2021-05-16 09:15:28 阅读 9889








come in please and sit down.

ok-sit down now please

sit down together at your tables

ok-everyone-sit down-quietly

ana-sit down over there-with your friend

midori, turn round and face the front.

ok, everybody, stop talking now and listen carefully.

ok, please stand up. and don’t make too much noiseeverybody up! that's right!

stand still! don't move

stay in your places! stay where you are

移动位置。right, taro, can you come here, please?

ok, come out here to the front of the class.

ok, your group, come up to the front.

right, now, you, you, and you ..come over here.

now, get into a line. stand in a line.

i want you to make two lines, along here ..

like this ..one behind the other.

let's see ..move up a bit ..good ..that's nice and straight!

can you make a circle? a nice round circle. good!

not too close ..a bit further apart ..step back a bit, that's better !

suresh ..come forward a bit ..yes, that's it.

ok, thank you. now go back to your places.



look,here's my bag.now,what h**e i got in here?

there's a book, that's my english book ..

and my pencil box, with my pencils in it ..

look ..i'll open it.

here are my pencils ..some coloured pencils.

one, two, three, four pencils ..






利用实物( personal possessions)

teacher: ok now ..show me your book, your book, show me your book that's in your bag, where's your book?

(children take out books--lots of mother tongue talk.)

teacher: ok. good.

now show me your pencil box ..your pencil box ..your pencil box.

show me your pencil box. let me see your pencil box, good. one, two, three, good.

your pencil box? good.



听句与指认(listening and point)

teacher: ok, ok. listen carefully.

ok. one, two, three. are you ready?

ok, ready, let's go. point to the picture i am talking about. is it the boy or the girl?

ok. he's wearing a blue sweater, right. he's wearing a blue sweater.

(the children point) yes, very good. it's the boy ..ok.

now, she's carrying a green schoolbag. she's carrying a green schoolbag...



-please stop talking now. no more talking for a bit. good, that's better.

that is nice and quiet. you ..sh ..

sh. calm down now, ok. that's better.

-quiet please! settle down now and listen. that's good, eva. thank you, emilio.

-everyone is sitting really nicely ..except for tom! tom, could you sit down like the others please?

thank you. ok ..

-ok, we need to be quieter to hear what everyone is saying. these two groups are doing an excellent job. thank you for being quiet.

and now we are waiting for ..

-now who can tell me the name of the book? lots of hands raised. excellent.

发音练习:/s/, k/和/∫/

朗读这些单词: pencil, special, face, fantastic, carrying, carefully, combing, dice, ocean, ceiling, physical, bouncy.

s/: pencil, face, dice, ceiling, bouncy.

k/: fantastic, carrying, carefully, combing, physical

∫/:special, ocean,三、听指令,做动作:全身反应。









跟着做。跟着做(follow the leader)

teacher: ok, now get in a line. peter ..

you're here. now anna. now now follow me.

come on ..round the class. ok, we're walking, walking, walking.

now, jumping like a kangaroo袋鼠, jumping, jumping. yes. now flying ..

like a plane. we're flying, flying, flying ..down again.

we're driving ..driving on the bus ..driving ..

围绕服装词汇的tpr (tpr with clothes vocabulary)

teacher: now ..listen carefully.

now everyone who's wearing jeans ..stand up. (child wearing jeans stands up.

)teacher: ok. good. now ..now, if you are wearing a t-shirt, come up here.


做动作(an action routine)

teacher: clap your hands.


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