初中英语词语辨析四 61 70

发布 2021-05-15 10:08:28 阅读 8103

六十一 can/ may



1 can you swim across the yangzi river? 你能横渡扬子江吗?

2 he can speak english. 他会说英语。

3 i can’t come at that time. 我不能在那个时候来。

4 can the news be true? 这消息会是真的吗?

5 --can’t i go? 我可不可以走?

---you cannot! 你不可以走。


1 that may or may not be ture那可能是真的,也可能不是真的。

2 he may be right. 他可能是对的。

3 you may take this book, i don’t need it. 你可以拿走这本书,我不需要了。

六十二 but/ however

. 都有“然而,但是”的意思。however 比较正式,可以放在句首、句中或句尾;其前面或后面要加逗号隔开,如在句中,其前后都要加逗号,不能与but 连用;而but只放在句首。

如:1 i’d like to go swimming with you, but i h**e to tidy the garden now. 我很想和你去游泳,但是我现在必须整理花园。

2 it’s raining hard, however, they’re still working in the field. 雨下得很大,然而他们仍然在地里干活。

later, however, she decided to buy it. 可是后来她决定去买下它。

六十三 close/ near/ nearby/ next to

. close “接近的,靠近”;还有“亲密的,密切的”含义,用法与near 类似,可指距离上、时间上或次序上紧接。也可用于引申含义,表关系或感情上的“亲近的”,可用作形容词或副词。

如:1 mother’s day is close (=near) .母亲节快到了。

2 they are sitting quite close(=near) to each other. 他们坐得很靠近。

3 she and i are close friends.她和我是亲密的朋友。

注]:near 当作形容词时,与close含义和用法相同,表距离近,都用be near / close to +地点。 但close 只能作形容词,而near 还可作介词使用,此时near不可再与to搭配。

如:i live near (=close to) the factory.

. nearby 主要指空间上的附近,一般指较大范围。可用作形容词、副词或介词。如:

1 they live in the nearby village. 他们住在附近的村庄。

2 there was a traffic accident nearby. 在附近发生了一起车祸。

. next to 意思是“与……相邻,紧靠着”与be close to 很接近,但next to 强调距离上“紧邻”。

1 our school is next to a supermarket. 我们学校紧挨着一家超市。

2 our school is close to a supermarket. 我们学校距离一家超市很近。

六十四 can/ be able to

. can “能”表过去或现在“能力所及”时,与be able to 通用。如:

1 he can / is able to speak german. 他会说德语。

2 he could / was able to run very fast when i was a boy. 我小时候就跑得很快。

. be able to 的过去时还可表一种“经过努力做到了”的意思。而can的过去时则没有这种意义。如:

he started late, but he was able to catch the eight o’clock train. 他出发晚了,但他还是赶上了八点钟的火车。

.can 通常只用于上述两种时态,而be able to 则可用于各种时态。如:

he has not been able to come since he got hurt. 自从受伤以后,他就一直未能前来。

. 在表猜测时,只能用can,而不能用be able to ,如:

that can’t be your bag. 那不可能是你的书包。

六十五 care (about) /take care of/ care for

.take care of“照料=look after,即指喂饭照看等。如:

1 nurses take care of patients in hospital.


1 mr s**age takes care of marketing and publicity. 萨维奇先生负责销售和宣传。

.care about表你是否认为某件事是重要的,某件事是否引起了你的兴趣或使你忧虑,常用于疑问句或否定句中,后接从句时,about一般都要省略。如:

i don’t care whether it rains, i’m happy. 我才不在乎下不下雨呢,我快活着呢。

.care for 有以下几种意思。


she spent the best years of her life caring for her sick father. 她把一生中最好的岁月都用来照料她那有病的父亲了。

2)“关怀”“关心”如:care for the younger generation 关怀年轻的一代。

3)“喜欢、愿意”(多用在疑问句或否定句中)[care for sb. to do sth.] 如:

would you care for a cup of tea? 你喜欢喝一杯茶吗?

i don’t/shouldn’t care for him to read this letter. 我不愿让他看这封信。

六十六 by/ at/ the end of ; in/to/ on the end

. by the end of “在……末以前”“到……末为止”后一般接时间名词。如年、月、周等。也可接表活动的名词,如strike.

. at the end of “在……的尽头”,“在……的末端”如:

1 at the end of the book there is an index. 书后附有索引。

2 we shall h**e an exam at the end of the month. 本月末我们将有次考试。

. in the end “最终;终于”,后不接of 短语。如:

i hope everything will turn out all right in the end. 我希望最终一切都顺利。

六十七 bring/ take/ fetch/ get/ carry



the teacher asked the students to bring their dictionaries to the class.


may i take this magazine home?

.fetch“去取来、去拿来” 指去取了东西又回来这一往返过程,相当于go and bring,但不同于bring,如:

please fetch me some chalk.


go and get/fetch some water.


1 he carried the box upstairs.


the boat was carried by ocean currents to a small island.这船被大洋的水流飘至一小岛。

六十八 cause/ reason


1 the cause of the fire was carelessness. **的原因是不小心。

2 what was the cause of it? 发生这事是原因何在?

3 there’s no cause for anxiety. 没有理由要焦虑(不必焦虑)。


1 i h**e no reason for it. 我没有理由这样做。

例如:give your reason for changing the plan. 把你改变计划的理由讲一下。

六十九 cost/ spend/ pay/ take

.cost 指某东西“值……钱”; 需要花费……钱/ 精力”等,它的主语一般为表示东西的名词,不能为表示人的名词,作及物动词和名词。可接双宾语,无被动语态。如:

1 i’ll bet that dress cost a thousand dollars.我敢说那件衣服得花1000美元。

2 the chair cost me thirty yuan.这把椅子花了我30元。

3 the building of the dam cost many lives. 修建这个水坝使许多人丧生。(使花(某种代价);使损失)


a bit a little 两个短语均可用来修饰形容词 副词及其比较急,意义一样,可以通用。they are feeling a bit a little tired.他们感到有点儿累。修饰不可数名词时,a little可以直接连用,但a bit 需要加of,再跟不可数名词。i need a li...


a bit a little 两个短语均可用来修饰形容词 副词及其比较急,意义一样,可以通用。they are feeling a bit a little tired.他们感到有点儿累。修饰不可数名词时,a little可以直接连用,但a bit 需要加of,再跟不可数名词。i need a li...


a bit a little 两个短语均可用来修饰形容词 副词及其比较急,意义一样,可以通用。they are feeling a bit a little tired.他们感到有点儿累。修饰不可数名词时,a little可以直接连用,但a bit 需要加of,再跟不可数名词。i need a li...