
发布 2021-05-15 10:10:28 阅读 8414



一、 a few ; few; a little; little; a bit ; a bit of ; a lot ; a lot of = lots of

1. he doesn't like talking with others. he is a man ofwords.

2. i h**einteresting books. you can borrow one.

3. there istea in the cup. you can drink it.

4. he hasred ink (墨水). please give some to him.

5. i like beef

6. hurry up! there istime left.

7. give memoney, please.

8. i like dumplingswhat about you?

9. i h**ework to do today.

二、 alone; lonely

1. when the baby woke up , he found himself

2. she wasbut she didn't feel

三、 look for ; find ; find out

1. the girlher pen everywhere. but she could notit .

2. i can'twho took my english book.

3. pleasewhen the ship le**es.

4. ienglish very hard to learn.

四、 get ; arrive ; reach

1. my brotherin shanghai last saturday morning.

2. mr. blacknanjing at 12:00 last night.

3. theyto school at seven every morning.

4. when will the plane

5. i will call you as soon as iat the station.

五、 spend ; take

1. it willme two hours to finish my homework this sunday.

2. we'llhalf an hour cleaning the classroom.

3. li leian hour on his homework every day.

六、 sound ; listen ; hear

1. we shouldto the teacher carefully in class.

2. isomeone singing just now.

3. the musicsweet.

七、 seem ; look

1. the girllike her mother.

2. the man standing under the treeto be the girl's father.

八、 sick ; ill

1. her uncle isin hospital.

2. that is adog.

3. tom is a __man and we should look after him very carefully.

九、 pleasant ; pleased

1. the trip was veryand they were enjoying themselves.

2. i'm sure he'll beif you buy him a toy car as a present.

十、 laugh ; smile ; laugh at

1. the teacher came into the classroom with a big __on his face this morning.

2. everybodyhis mistake just now.

3. the young peopleand talked happily.

十一、 interest ; interested; interesting

1. this film is very

2. li ping is veryin english.

3. we will visit some places ofin beijing next week.

十二、 go on working ; go on to work

1. mr. whitethroughout the night.(通宵)

2. after a short rest , the two boyson another problem.

十三、 fall asleep; go to bed ; be asleep ; sleep

1. the studentsat ten o'clock in the evening.

2. don't make any noise. the baby __

3. i find it very difficult tothese days.

4. did youwell last night?

十四、 whole ; all ; both

1the students are planting trees on the hill.

2. i told them thestory.

3. lucy and lily are twins. theystudy in no. 14 middle school.

4. i stayed at home themorning.

十五、fall off ; fall behind

1. heand broke his leg yesterday.

2. work harder, or you'llyour classmates.

十六、move to ; move ; move ..out of

1. after theythe bag , the girls let the traffic go again.

2. please help methe old wardrobethe room.

3. the greenslondon last month.

十七、hurry to ; hurry off ; hurry up

1or you won't catch the early bus.

2. the nurseto look after the sick man.

3. beckyher study and found her present.

十八、come on ; come round ; come over

1. look! a truck isthe corner.

2. i would like you toto my house and meet my parents.

3. -shall we make a snowman?

ok十九、take place, take one's place

1. the may 4th movement(五四运动in 1919.

2. mr. wang is ill today, so miss zhang will二十、look out, look out of

1. "don'tthe window, wang lin !"said the teacher.

2there is danger ahead.

二十一、go back , go on , go out

1. summer starts in june andto august.

2. i'llto my hometown this summer holidays.

3. i'm a businessman . i oftenand visit people.

二十二、eat , eat up

1. wethree meals a day.

2. as the children were very hungry , theyall the food very soon.

二十三、run to , run away , run after

1. the childrentheir picnic basket , but the basket was no longer there.

2. a studentfrom school two days ago.

3. i'm too old toyou.

二十四、throw , throw about

1. don'tthe ball like that.


2. after you use plastic bags, you mustn'tthem二十五、teach , teach oneself

1. -i didn't know you could draw so well. whoyou drawing?

---nobody. i二十六、le**e, forget

1. imy watch in the office just now.

2. mr. mott had a bad memory. he oftenimportant things.

二十七、grow , grow up

1. in summer, treesvery fast.

2. when ii want to be a scientist.

二十八、join, take part in

1. mary and the twinsann's birthday party last night.

2. the thankful motherher children in the lifeboat.

二十九、either ; neither; both ; all

1. -does she speak english or french?

---she speaksbut she knows some japanse.

2. there are a lot of tall buildings onsides of the street.

t.3. -may i come on sunday morning or afternoontime is ok. i'm free all day.

4. i h**e four friends. they areteachers.

三十、maybe ; may be

1you put your ticket in your pocket.

2. therea piano concert in our town.

三十一、keep, borrow , lend

1. -may i __your bike, please?

---of course, here is the key.

2. li leia story book to lucy yesterday.

3. you can __the book for two weeks.

三十二、either ; too ; also

1. ih**e a new computer.

2. he is a very good driver3. my father doesn't smoke.

my brother doesn't三十三、after ; later ; in

1. -when will you start?

---i'll le**e __three o'clock this afternoon.

2. two hoursthey finished planting the trees.

3. i'll give the book back to jimtwo weeks.

4half an hour, they began to make their way back home.

三十四、quick ; quickly ; fast; soon

1. lily ran much __than lucy.

2. beor we won't catch the early bus.

3. we want to visit uncle wang4. the tiger __jumped into the river.

三十五、another , other, others , the other , the others

1. some are watching tvare listening to radio.

2. the clothes shop is onside of the street.

3. show mepair of socks , please?

4. she is taller than any __girl in the class.

5. there're two oranges. one is bigis small.

6. these two apples are big, butare very small.

三十六、at the end of , in the end

1. there is a tall buildingthis road.

2. class two won the relay race三十七、on , above, below, under, over

1. the lights areour heads.

2. there is a book __the desk.

3. at night it will fallzero.

4. is there a bikeunder the tree.

5. there is a bridethe river.

三十八、instead ; instead of

1. we'll play footballwatching tv.

2. he wanted to be a doctor but he became a teacher三十九、stop doing sth. ;stop to do sth.

1. when mr. gao came into the classroom, the studentstalk).

2. when mr. gao came out of the classroom, the studentstalk).

四十、sound , noise , voice

1. he answered in low2. light tr**els much faster than3.

the baby is asleep. don't make a四十一、no longer ( not...any longer) ;no more ( not...

any more )

1. he is __a soldier2. my father __smoke3. there isroom here.

4. she is 20 years old. she isa child1


this is a banana.这是香蕉。that s an apple.那是苹果。辨析 a 用在以辅音音素开头的词前,an 用在以元音音素开头的词前。这里所说的是音素,而不是字母。注意 1 书写以辅音字母开头,发音以元音音素开头的单词前面用 an 如 an hour 一小时 an honest ...


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new students will come to school sometime next week 下周某个时候新同学要到校上学了。you can hand in your homework sometime before friday.你可以在周五前某个时候交作业。when can you f...