初中英语词语辨析三 41 60 bemadeof

发布 2021-05-15 10:59:28 阅读 1957

四十一 be made of / be made from

. be made of “由……制成/造”成品看得出原料。如:

the desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是木头制成的。

. be made from “由……制造/成”成品看不出原料。如;

四十二 be surprised/ in surprise

. be surprised 为“动词+形容词”结构,在句中作谓语,意为:“感到吃惊”. be surprised at 表“对……感到吃惊”

. in surprise为“介词+名词”结构。在句中作状语。意为:“吃惊地”。如:

1 she was surprised. 她感到吃惊。

2 everybody was surprised at you. 大家都对你感到吃惊。

3 john turned round and looked at him in surprise. 约翰转过身去,吃惊地看着他。

四十三 be sure/ make sure

. be sure 指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;make sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚。如:

1 i am sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的。

2 i h**e made sure that he is honest. 我已了解清楚他是诚实的。

. 二者后面均可接of 或about 引出的短语。如:

1 i am sure of success = i am sure that i will succeed. 我深信会成功。

2 will you make sure of his return? =will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了。

好吗?. make sure 后面的that 从句一般不用或很少用将来时;

be sure 后面的that从句则可用将来时。如:

1 make sure that you come here before five. 你一定要在5点前来。

2 i am sure that he will come. 我相信他一定会来的。

. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure 通常只用于祈使句;而be sure 则不受限制。如:

to come to party on time. 一定要准时来参加晚会。

he is sure to call you up. 他准会给你打**的。

四十四 be good at/ do well in

. be good at / in 意思接近于 do well in. “在(某方面)出色;擅长……”be good at / in 强调一种笼统情况,而do well in 可表示一种情况,也可指在具体的一次活动中表现出色。

be good at 的反义词组为:be poor (weak) at (in). do well in 的反义词组为:do badly in. 如:

1 mary is good at / in maths. =mary does well in maths. 玛丽数学很好(指情况)。=玛丽数学学得很好。

2 tom did well in (不宜用be good at.指具体一次)that english test / sports meeting.汤姆在那次英语考试中(运动会中)考得很好(表现出色)。

3 wu dong does badly in his lessons. =wu dong is weak / poor / at / in his lessons.吴冬功课不好。


4 mei ying did badly in the high jump 梅英在跳高比赛中成绩不好。(具体一次,不宜替换。)

5 mei ying is weak / poor in / at high jump.梅英不善于跳高。(指笼统情况)

. do well 和do badly可单独使用,表一种情况;而be good / weak / poor 一定要借助于介词in 或at, 强调在某一个方面,才能表达一个完整的意思。如:

he does well / badly at school. 他在学校里功课很好/很差。

1 ***** is made from rags.纸是由破布做的。(已看不出原料)

四十五 be pleased with/ at/ to

. be pleased with “对……人/物,感到满意”介词with后接人或物。 如:

1 both mark and her mother were pleased with the girl. 马克和他妈妈都有喜欢这个女孩。

2 i wasn’t very pleased with / at my exam results. 我对自己的考试成绩不太满意。

. be pleased at “对……某事/物,感到满意”。介词at 常与事物搭配使用。

he was very pleased at the news.他对这个消息感到很满意。

. be pleased to “乐意……;因……而高兴”。to 不是介词,而是小品词。后接动词原形。如:

1 i shall be pleased to go. 我将乐意去。

2 we are quite pleased to be working in this country. 能在这个国家工作,我们是十分高兴的。

四十六 besides/ but/ except/ beside/ except for/

.besides “除了……还有”指的是“已有……另加上”而except 和but “除了……之。


1 i don’t care for anything besides this.除此之外,我别无所爱。

2 what h**e you done this morning, besides reading the ***** and watching tv? 除了看报和看电视之外,你今天上午还做了些什么。

.beside prep. “在……旁边”意思如其它的大不相同。如:

1 they are used to taking a walk on the path beside the the river.他们习惯于在河边的小路上散步。

. but 作介词用时:“除……之外没有……”与except同意。

但它着重在整体,且常用在no, all, nobody, anything, everything, everybody, everywhere 以及who, whose等词之后。后常接“名词、代词或不定式,接不定式时,如果其前含有实义动词 do (除作助动词用外)的各种形式,则用动词原形(省略“to”)。如:

1 he does nothing but laugh. 他只是大笑而已。(前有does,故用动词原形laugh.)

2 nobody was late but you. 除你之外,没有人迟到。

.except 语气比but强且明显。着重在除去的部分。如:

1 i like all the fruits except pears. 除了梨外,我喜欢所有的水果。

2 the dress is quite nice except for the color. 除了颜色外,这件衣服很漂亮。

.except for “除了……以外”其中for 表示理由或细节,对句子含义起修饰作用。有时可与except 互换。如:

1 betty worked out all the problems except for / except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,其它的问题贝蒂都解决了。

except for sunday, all of us go to school every day. 除了周日外,我们每天都上学。(此处不用except).

四十七 because/ because of

. because 是连词,后接句子, 是主句的直接原因,常用来回答由why 引导的特殊疑问句。如:

1 because he is ill, he is not here today. 因为他病了,所以今天没来。

2 --why are you in a hurry?

-because i want to catch the first bus.

.because of 是复合介词,后接名词或代词,相当于名词词组。如:

he can’t come because of illness. 他生病了,所以没来。

四十八 both/ either / neither


. 作代词时:both “两者都”.

either “两者中任何一个”. neither “两者中任何一个都不”。 作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,可作同位语。

而either 和 neither 则用单数形式,不可作同位语。如:

1 both of us are teachers.

2 either of you can do it.

3 neither of the answerws is right. 两个答案都不对。

4 they both skate well. 他们两人都会滑冰。

. 作形容词时:both 修饰名词的复数形式。neither 和 either修饰名词的单数形式。如:

1 neither film is very long.两部电影都不长。

2 you may use either pencil. 你可用这两支笔中的任何一支。

3 both pencils are blue. 两支铅笔都是蓝色的。

. 作连词时: neither 与nor 连用,“既不……也不……”either 和 or 连用:

“或是……或是……”要么……要么……”连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。而both 却与and 相连。连接主语时谓语动词用复数。

如:1 neither jack nor i h**e seen the film. 杰克和我都没看过这影片。


a bit a little 两个短语均可用来修饰形容词 副词及其比较急,意义一样,可以通用。they are feeling a bit a little tired.他们感到有点儿累。修饰不可数名词时,a little可以直接连用,但a bit 需要加of,再跟不可数名词。i need a li...


a bit a little 两个短语均可用来修饰形容词 副词及其比较急,意义一样,可以通用。they are feeling a bit a little tired.他们感到有点儿累。修饰不可数名词时,a little可以直接连用,但a bit 需要加of,再跟不可数名词。i need a li...


a bit a little 两个短语均可用来修饰形容词 副词及其比较急,意义一样,可以通用。they are feeling a bit a little tired.他们感到有点儿累。修饰不可数名词时,a little可以直接连用,但a bit 需要加of,再跟不可数名词。i need a li...