新概念二册1 5课笔记

发布 2021-05-12 14:45:28 阅读 2597

lesson1 a private conversation

单词部分:1:property n. 财产。

private property no entry! 私人财产不可侵犯!

private /property/entry/privacy

private eye 私家侦探。

private ear 悄悄话。

private school 私立学校 public school 公立学校。

public house 酒吧 =pub



tion 名词后缀。

converse v. con:together vers:turn

3:talks :会谈。

dialogue dia表示两个的意思 logue表示说 dialogue两个人比较正式的谈话。

chat 闲聊,闲谈。

gossip 八卦。

h**e a word with sb 和某人聊几句(口语中常用,大家可以运用到实际中去!)

h**e words with sb 和某人大吵了一架。

4:化妆间 dressing room ,card table 牌桌。

5:sit vi. 坐 sb sit.

h**e/take a seat ,please.请某人坐下来,请上座(口语中常用,口气非常客气)

seat vt. seat sb 如seat my little baby让我的小孩坐下来, seat myself我坐下来 ,i am seated我坐下来。

be seated,please!请别人坐下来,很正式地请别人上坐。

替我占座:s**e a seat for me

6:play v.扮演,玩耍 n.游戏,玩耍 ,比赛。

play the woman 原意为扮演女性引申为撒娇。

play the man 显示男子气概。

play house用来玩耍的小区域(如肯德基麦当劳里面小孩玩耍的地方)


loudly:noisy 噪音(让人感到厌恶)

loud :大声(仅仅表示声音大一点)如:can you speak louder ?

aloud:从原来不发声到发声如:read aloud大声朗读 think aloud 自言自语 read aloud together 一起朗读。


angry adj. angrily adv.

be angry at sb.对某人感到生气。

be cross at sb.(俚语)对某人感到生气。

be pissed off 生气(口语中用的最多的生气的表达)如:i am so pissed


be upset 生气(口语中用的最多的生气的表达)

be annoyed at sb.对某人感到生气。

9:bear n.熊 v.忍受,承受。

bull market 牛市 bear market 熊市

bear hug熊抱。


i can’t stand it.

i can’t bear it.

i can’t endure it.

i can’t put up with it.

10:business n.商业,企业,商务,生意。

ness 名词后缀。

business可缩写成biz 如showbiz 娱乐圈 =show business e-biz =e-business 电子邮件。

business is business.公事公办。

it's not your business.不关你的事。=it's none of your business.


rude adj.粗鲁的,无礼的,粗野的 rudely adv.粗鲁地,无礼地。

rudeness n. 粗鲁,原始,草率。

课文部分:12:last week i went to the theatre.

go to the concert 去听**会 go to the doctor’s去医院。

go to the sb’s去某人店里 go to the chemist’s 去药房。

go to the butcher’s 去肉店 go to the barber’s 去理发。

go to the hairdresser’s 去美发店

go to school 去上学读书) go to the school 去学校。

go to hospital 去医院看病) go to the hospital 去医院。

go to church 去教堂做礼拜。

13:i did not enjoy it.

enjoy yourself =h**e a good time 玩的开心!

enjoy sth=i love sth

enjoy oneself enjoy后面不能直接加人要用反身代词!

q:what do you enjoy? a:i enjoy doing sth.

14:a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

were sitting behind me 表示故事发生的背景,描述背景用过去进行时。

in front of 在事物外部的前面。

in the front of 在事物内部的前面。

15:it’s none of your business.

he puts his finger in every pie.他多管闲事。

don't put your finger in my pie!不要管我的事!

none of your foolishness!别傻了!

none of your rudeness!休得无礼!

本课的grammar :简单句语序:主谓宾/主谓/主系表/主谓宾宾/主谓宾补

lesson 2 breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?

1:breakfast n.早餐。

luncheon n.午宴。

breakfast+lunch =早午餐。

单词部分:2: until

i waited until it stopped raining.(我一直等到雨停了,也就是说雨停了之后我就没等了,也就是离开了。)=i didn’t le**e until it stopped raining.


my grandmother was alive until i came back.=my grandmother didn’t die until i came back.(这两个句子我就不帮大家翻译了,大家可以试着自己去翻译下。



could you wait outside ,please?你能在外面等我吗?

i will meet you outside the the theater at 2 o’clock.我两点钟在戏剧院门口等你。

dial ‘9’ before the number when ****** outside calls.打外线**时**拨9。


ring road 环线。

diamond ring 钻戒。

give me a ring tonight ,honey!今晚给我一个**,亲爱的。

the telephone is ringing.**响了。

buzz 嗡嗡声 twitter 鸟叫声。


cousin 表/堂兄弟姐妹 nephew侄子 niece侄女。


re:again renew翻新/rewrite重写/retell复述/history will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。

课文部分:7:it was sunday. i never get up early on sundays.

never adv.从未,从不,绝不。

i never say /cry /yell /scream /uncle.我从不服输。

he didn’t yell uncle ,he screamed it .他输得彻彻底底。

on sundays:

我们每周一早上升国旗:we raise our national flag on monday mornings . 注意-s加在morning后面而不是monday。




所以 get up from /on the wrong side 起床起错边了引申为你是不是吃错药了?

8:i looked out of the window.

look out!/watch out 小心!(不是往外面看的意思!口语中经常使用。)

you ’d better watch you back.你最好小心点。

look out of 向外面看。

9:'what a day!' i thought.

what a /an +adj.+n.+主谓。(感叹句格式)

what a beautiful girl she is!她是多么漂亮的女孩啊!

what a shame ! 真遗憾!

what a mess!太乱了!

what a change!变化太大了!(回答别人不好赞赏也不好批评时用,变化可以是好的变化也可以是差的变化。)

what a surprise!太惊喜了!(收到礼物时用)

10:it's raining again.


it ‘s raining hard .

it ’s raining cats and dogs .

it’s pouring.(pour有倾倒之意,把雨像从天上倾泻下来自然表示水势很大,所以pour这个词很形象地体现了雨下的很大。)


nceii lesson 1 单词详解 1 privateadj.1 私人的,私有的a private seatprivate property私人财产is that a hotel?no,it s a private house.2 conversation c u with sb.about s...


lesson 1 a private conversation private adj.私人的 adj.私人的 private life 私生活 private school 私立学校 it s my private letter.如果妈妈想看你的信 it s my private house.如果...


新概念第一册73课 week n.周。this week,last week等,前面不能加介词。the week before last上上周the week after next下下周 suddenly既可以放在句首,也可以放在句中或句末。i suddenly remembered that i ...