
发布 2021-05-12 14:47:28 阅读 8288

lesson 22 笔记作业:

1 dream n. h**e a dream/dream a dream 做梦 v. 做梦 daydream,v.

做白日梦dream of doing sth. 梦想 think of 考虑。

h**e a good/sweat dream (口语)祝你好梦。

she is daydreaming. 白日梦;思想开小差。

eg. i dreamed of flying in the sky. i dreamed of being a teacher.

dream boat《美俚〉理想目标,理想人物,爱人。

2. of one‘s own age 和。同年龄的 he has a good friend of his own age.

3. i h**e a bag with books in it. with短语放在名词后面做定语。

she is a tall girl with two big eyes. it’s a blue case with my name and address on it.

4. each other 相互(两者之间)one another相互(三者及以上之间)

5. cost表示花费,主语一定是物:sth. cost sb. 注意cost,pay, take, spend的区别。

6. with 结构: with+ 宾语(名词或代词)+宾补。

宾补可以是:a. 过去分词,b.

现在分词,c. 不定式,d. 副词,e.

adj.,f. 介词短语, 可以做定语,伴随状语,原因状语,结果状语等等。

(独立主格结构 :名词或代词 +宾补 , 有人认为盛利了with。)

a. 1) with his key lost, he couldn’t get into his house. (钥匙丢了, 他进不了家门。 )

2) with his hair cut, father looks much younger. (理了发,父亲看上去年轻多了。)

3) he sat there with his eyes closed. (他闭目坐在那儿。)

4) all the afternoon he worked with the door locked. (整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。)

5) the meeting ended with all the problems settled. (问题解决了,会散了。)

b. 1) with the teacher standing beside, the girl felt a bit uneasy.


2) she was chatting with her friend, with her child playing beside her.


3) he felt uneasy with the whole class staring at him.


4) the boy lay on the grass, with his eyes looking into the sky.


5) with night coming on, we started for home. 夜幕降临,我们动身回家。

6) i won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.


7) he fell asleep with the lamp burning. (他没熄灯就睡着了。)

c.1) i can’t go out with all these clothes to wash. (要洗这些衣服,我无法出去了。)

2) with so many people to help us, we are sure to finish the work in time.


3) with 10 minutes to go, you’d better hurry.(还有十分钟,你最好快一点。)

4) with his wife to help him, his husband is sure to succeed.


5) with so much work to do, we had to stay up through the night.


d. 1) she walked in the rain, with her clothes wet through.


2) she said that with her face red. (她红着脸说了那些话。)

3 ) he stared at his friend with his mouth wide open.


e. 1) the street looks more beautiful with all the lights on.


2) he stood before his teacher with his head down. (他低着头站在老师面前。)

3) he was lying on bed with clothes on. (他和衣躺在床上。)

4) with his parents out, the child was watching tv alone at home.


f. 1) she said good-bye with tears in her eyes. (她含着眼泪说了声再见。)

2) she ran to the hero, flowers in her hand. (她手里拿着鲜花跑向这位英雄。)

3) he was asleep with his head on his arms. (他头枕着胳膊睡着了。)

4) the old man sat still, with a pipe in his mouth.


2016. 7. 15. 作业。

1. dictation:l36-40 2. 背l22语言点。 (重点with 结构等)

3. 重点背:97 词组 4. 预习p97-99练习。

5. 写作文: shopping online (谈谈网购的好处与害处)100个单词左右。

好处是:1、不用出门,就可以购物,不累,选择范围大, 任何时间任何东西。





3. 会经常想上网买东西,很浪费钱。

分四段写: 1. 随着科学的发展,现在很多人在网购。

2. 介绍网购的好处。

3. 介绍网购的害处

4. 结论:应该怎样对待网购。

上课时间: 下午4:40—6:40

7月1日 7月8日 7月15日 7月22日 7月29日 (周五)

8月1日 (周一) 8月3日 (周三) 8月26日(周五) 8月29日(周一)


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