
发布 2020-09-15 00:35:28 阅读 9946

lesson 51apleasantclimatebetty


where does jim come from?jim comes from is jim from?he’s from 希腊人(国籍)adj.希腊的。

eg: what nationality is mr white?he is i am a greek engineer.

eg: are they greek doctors?yes, they are .no, they aren’气候。

eg:what’s the climate like in your country?eg: i don’t like the climate here.

国家复数:country—countrieseg: china is a big love my do you like this country?yes, i

adj.天气宜人的eg:it’s very pleasant today.

adj.令人愉悦的eg:what a pleasant surprise.[s:praz]多么好的一个惊喜啊!

eg: the flower gives off a pleasant smell.这朵花散发出一种令人愉悦的香味。

③adj.可亲的,友好的eg: his grandmother is a pleasant woman.

eg: wendy is very pleasant smile一个友好的微笑。


what’s the weather like today?=how’s the weather today?good /nice weather好天气。

weather forecast [‘f:kɑ:st]天气预报weather bureau[‘bjr]气象局weather beaten [‘bi:

tn]岁月侵蚀的,风雨侵蚀的,饱经风霜的the weather beaten rocks风雨侵蚀的岩石a weather beaten face沧桑的脸。

under the weather : not very well or happy感觉不是很好或很高兴。

n.春季my father likes you like spring?yes, i do.

no, i don’t②n.弹簧a spring bed一张弹簧床 adj.有风的。

what’s the weather like today? it’s 风。

there is much wind today.今天风很大。(much“很多”修饰不可数名词)there is much snow gust of wind[gst]一阵风温暖的。

the weather is getting warm.天气正在变暖。warm tea温热的茶。

warm-heartedadj.热情的,富有同情心的her parents are warm-hearted.

her husband is a warm-hearted 准备活动、热身。

n.雨。in the rain在雨中。

a group of children are running in the he**y rain一阵大雨a light rain一阵小雨a fine rain一阵细雨。

a rain of…雨点一般的a rain of bullets[‘blt]一阵弹雨。

a rain of congratulations一连串的祝福[kn’grtu len]

v.下雨。it’s going to rain.要下雨了(it指天)it rains in.漏雨了。

rain cats and dogs形容雨下得很大。

it never rains , but it pours. [p:(r)](一般指坏的事情)不发生则已,已发生就接踵而来rainbow彩虹rainy下雨的,多雨的a rainy day雨天,困难的日子(喻)

有时。her friend is sometimes very strange.[strend]她的朋友有时候很奇怪we sometimes go to the countryside.


in summer在夏天summer school暑期班、暑期学校summer vocation / holiday [v’ken][‘hlde]暑假。

in autumn在秋天in late autumn在晚秋 n.冬天。

in winter在冬天four seasons: spring, summer, autumn/fall, 下雪。

it is snowing.正在下雪。

snowman雪人snowwhite白雪公主snow-white雪白的snowyadj.下雪的,多雪的snowy weather雪天15.1-12个月份。

what’s the climeta like in greece?

does it ever snow in greece?希腊曾下过雪吗?

用来询问事物的状况,或人物、事物的外观及特征等。like介词 the weather like in shenyang?

does/ do+人名+come from?where is/ are+人名+from?

回答:人名+come/comes from+地点人名+be from +地点。


lesson 51 apleasant climatebetty greece n.希腊。国家名 where does jim come from jim comes from greece.where is jim from he s from greece.greekn.希腊人 国籍 adj.希...


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