
发布 2021-05-11 19:14:28 阅读 2218

第二部分:词汇和语法(structure and vocabulary)


1. 形容词、副词:形容词和副词为每年**考试必考题目,所考单词全部出自考纲所要求的3550个基础词汇,主要考查学生对单词意义的准确把握,以及单词的相关搭配。


答案:1)b,2)c,3)c, 4)b,5)b,6)b,7)c,8)d,9)d,10)d

补充练习:答案:1-5: c d c d d 6-10: d d a a a 11-15: b a b d a 16-20: a d a d d



答案:1)a,2)b, 3)c, 4)d,5)b,6)c,7)a,8)b,9)a,10)d

补充练习:答案: 1-5: a d b a a 6-10: c a c b d 11-15: b d a d c

16-20: b c a d c 21-25: d a c d a 26-30: b d b d d


一般不会和语法结合进行考查,如名词的数;所考查的名词一般是由动词转化而来的名词;比较容易考察意义相近的名词之间的区别; 可能会考查以名词为中心词的习惯用语,固定搭配。考生做这类题没有什么诀窍,只要具备较扎实的词汇知识,得分相对容易。

答案:1)a,2)c, 3)d, 4)c,补充练习:答案:

1-5: c c a d a 6-10: a d b b b 11-15:

d b b a c 16-20: d a a c d



1) 与动词搭配,构成短语,但考查的核心在介词上,如以下一些短语: account for, benefit from/by, come across, contribute to, apply for, consist in, differ from, interfere in, result from, get through, insist on, lie in, live through, persist in, stick to, stand for, turn to, vary with, work on, vary from, stand by, keep to, rely on, run into, see through, take to等;

2)与动词、副词连用,构成动词+副词+介词的结构,如以下一些短语:come up with, face up to, live up to, lookdown upon, make up for, stand up for, come up to, cut down on, go in for, keep up with, put up with, stand up to, give in to等;

3)动词+(宾语)+介词+(宾语)的结构也常考,如以下一些短语:accuse…of…, accustom oneself to…, apply… to, attribute… to…, compare… with…, convince…of…, tell…from…, charge…with…, devote oneself to…, prevent…from…, separate…from…, remind…of… derive…from…, owe…to…, prefer…to…, warn…of…, think of…as…等;

4)形容词与介词的搭配, 如:capable of, adapted to, concerned about, absorbed in, accustomed to, anxious for… conscious of, content with, exposed to, inclusive of, known for, f**orable to, involved in, responsible for, similar to, subject to, superior to, strict with等;

5)名词和介词的搭配,如:access to, approach to, confidence in, desire for, impression on, interference in, comment on, dependence on, influence on, reply to, respect for, sympathy with/for, shelter from, tendency to/towards, comparison with, attitude to 等;

6)介词短语: apart from, according to, as a result of, as regards, at the cost of, at the sight of, by means of, for the sake of, in charge of, in f**or of, in spite of, in the event of, on the ground of, thanks to, with respect to, as to, at the risk of, in virtue of, due to, in addition to, in case of, in honor of, in place of, with regard to, in view of, on the basis of, regardless of, within the reach of, at a loss, at any cost, at no time, at times, by all means, after all, as a matter of fact, at a time, at all events, at most, at least, by accident/chance, by no means, in case, in detail, in particular, on a large scale, on purpose, out of sight, to the point, without question, in a word, in brief, in effect, in no way, out of control, under repair, up to date, without exception, by the way, in sum, on duty, on the whole, out of place, under age, in sequence 等;

答案: 1)d,2)b, 3)a, 4)a,5)a

补充练习:答案:1-5: c a a d b 6-10: c c a a b 11-15: d b c c c 16-20: c b b c b





1. 非谓语动词。



a. 现在分词作定语;b. 现在分词作状语(尤其是伴随状语和原因状语; c.

现在分词独立结构(表示原因、表示条件、表示方式或伴随);d. 不仅要知道现在分词的一般形式,而且要知道现在分词时式和语态的变化;e. 现在分词的否定形式 f.



3) 动名词主要考查:a. 动名词的复合结构; b.

动名词作主语(it作形式主语的用法);c. 动名词时态和语态的变化;d. 动名词作宾语是考查的重点,主要有以下几种情况:

a)英语中有些动词后面只能跟动名词作它的宾语 。这类动词常见的有:admit, advice, anticipate, appreciate, **oid,consider, delay,deny,dislike, enjoy,escape,excuse, fancy,f**or, finish,imagine,include , keep,mind,miss, postpone, practice,prevent , propose, resist, risk, suggest等。

b)动名词在demand, deserve, need, require, want等动词后面作宾语时,表示被动的意思。



d)有些短语动词和结构后面也要求跟动名词作宾语 .这样的短语动词常见的有:feel like,give up,go on,object/objection to,put off,keep on,insist on,le**e off,look forward to,think of, can't help, be/get used to, spend...

in , h**e difficulty in, h**e trouble/a hard time in, there be no need, confess to等。

e)有些动词既可以加动名词,又可以加不定式,两者在意义上有差别。 这些动词有:forget, like, remember, regret, try等。

4)不定式主要考查:a. 不定式的时式和语态的变化,尤其是一般式的被动语态和完成式的被动语态;b.

不定式作宾语(动词不定式作宾语补足语)、定语的用法;c. 不定式作结果状语和目的状语;d. 不带to 的不定式的用法。



复习目标 1 人称代词和物主代词的不同形式及其用法。2 反身代词和指示代词的人称和数的变化。3 不定代词和疑问代词的基本用法。重点 1.人称代词和物主代词的不同形式及其用法。2.不定代词基本用法。难点 人称代词和物主代词的不同形式及其用法。复习导学 一 人称代词。一 回顾所学过的人称代词,并填写 二...


unit 1 experience 经历 可数 经验 不可数 experienced 有经验的。h e experience in doing sth 在做某事上有经验。earn money 赚钱 earn one s living 谋生。show respect for 对。表示尊敬。devote...


1.prefer 名词 动名词 不定式。例 i prefer some apples.i prefer h ing to h e some apples.我更喜欢吃苹果。2.prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事。例 my daddy prefers me n...