
发布 2021-05-11 18:33:28 阅读 8876


二。 具体过程:


1. 一般现在时的含义 ⑴ 表示现在的状态 ⑵ 表示经常或习惯性的动作 ⑶ 表示主语具备的性格和能力。

2. 一般现在时的谓语构成。

⑴ 动词be

肯定式 i am… 否定式 i am not…

you/we/they are… you/we/they aren’t…

she/he/it is… she/he/it isn’t…


am i…? yes, you are. no, you aren’t.

are you…? yes, i am/we are. no, i am not/we aren’t.

are we/they…? yes, we/they are. no, we/they aren’t.

动词 do

肯定式 i/we/you/they+动词原形+其他成分。


否定式 i/we/you/they don’t+动词原形+其他成分。

she/he/it doesn’t +动词原形+其他成分。


do i/you/we/they+动词原形+其他成分。

yes, i/you/we/they do. no, i/you/we/they don’t.

does she/he/it +动词原形+其他成分。

yes, she/he/it does. no, she/he/it doesn’t.


规则变化。一般情况下直接+s work-works ask-asks see-sees

以s, x, ch, sh, o 结尾+es watch-watches go-goes do-does wash-washes

以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i加es try-tries study-studies fly-flies

不规则变化 h**e-has

练一练。1. 给出下列单词的第三人称单数形式。

play go hurry teach buy see

wash walk miss watch come say

2. 用所给动词的适当形式完成短文。

it’s ted’s first day at school in shanghai. the teacher __take) him to the classroom. the students___ask) him, “do) you speak english or chinese?

” he __say), both. my father is an englishman and my mother is a chinese woman.” ted __like)his new classmates.

after school, he __say) to his parents, i___love) my new school, teacher and classmates.



1) 陈述句(declarative sentences):说明一个事实或陈述看法。

she is at home. 她在家。

he speaks english. 他讲英语。

2) 疑问句(interrogative sentences):提出问题。有以下四种:

a. 一般疑问句(general questions):

is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?

b. 特殊疑问句(w questions; h questions):

where do you live? 你住哪儿?

how do you know that? 你怎么知道那件事?

c. 选择疑问句(alternative questions):

do you like tea or juice?


d. 反意疑问句(tag-questions):

he knows her, doesn’t he?


3) 祈使句(imperative sentences):提出请求,建议或发出命令,例如:

sit down, please. 请坐。

let’s go home! 让我们回家吧!

4)感叹句(exclamatory sentences):表示说话人惊奇、喜悦、愤怒等情绪,例如:

what good news it is! 多好的消息啊!

2)基本句型(basic sentence patterns):英语中千变万化的句子归根结底都是由以下五种基本句型组合、扩展、变化而来的:

1)主 + 动(sv)例如:

i work. 我工作。

2)主 + 动 + 表(svp)例如:

john is a teacher. 约翰是教师。

3)主 + 动 + 宾(svo)例如:

she studies english. 她学英语。

4)主 + 动 + 宾 + 补(svoc)例如:

we think the job easy. 我们认为这个工作简单。

5)主 + 动 + 间宾 + 直宾(svoiod)例如:

my mother made me a new dress. 我母亲给我做了一件新衣裳。


1. 可数名词单数要变为其相应的复数形式。

it is a box.→ they are boxes.

2. 各个人称代词要由单数形式变为复数形式。

she is a girl.→ they are girls. i am at home.→ we are at home.

3. am或is 要变为are.

he is a teacher. →they are teachers.

4. 指示代词this或that要分别变为these或those。

this is a pencil.→ these are pencils.

5. 不定冠词a/an要去掉(固定搭配例外)。

it is a black cat.→ they are black cats.

6. man或 woman做定语修饰可数名词,在整个句子变成复数的情况下也要变成 men 或women.

she is a woman teacher.→ they are women teachers.

注意: 在单数句变复数句时,普通单数变为复数形式,但当名词修饰名词时,起修饰作用的名词不做变化。名词修饰名词常用单数。(man, woman除外)

this is a apple tree.→ these are apple trees.

练一练 单复数句转换

1. what is her name?

2. this quilt is green.

3. is that a pencil?

4. the box is on the table.

5. he is a man teacher.

6. they are white dogs.

7. these are our erasers.



1. a computer game is very __有趣的)。

2. i eat lots of __蔬菜)every day.

3. my cousin likes __健康的)food.

4. the boys are running明星).

5. her sister likes___看) tv.

6. his name is jack smith. his f___is smith.

7. you can b___the books here.

8. what do you like for b___

9. can you p___computer games with me?

10. your sister h___a set of keys.


1. _you like apples?

a. are b. is c. do d. does

2. he __his lunch at school every day.

a. h**e b. has c. had d. will h**e

3. in the morning, we h**e __


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