
发布 2021-05-11 04:41:28 阅读 7387



the best way to learn___language is to live among its speakers.

___teacher should be patient with his or her students.

once upon a time, there was a little girlgirl lived through a thick and thin life with her mother. (直接前指)

___role of women in today’s society has been achieved through centuries of major cultural changes. (后指)

___tiger is becoming almost extinct.

___whale is the largest mammal on earth.

___owners of the three dangerous dogs had to pay a fine. (后指)

___people who spoiled the public facility should be ashamed of themselves. (后指)

___books become more and more expensive.

___cigarettes are bad for your health.

i went to new york last weektraffic is awful. (间接前指)

when it comes to choosing a job, i think the conditions and the prospects are more important thansalary. (间接前指)

___theory must go hand in hand with___practice.

___happiness is often the product ofhonesty and hard work.



___plane is a machine that can fly

an hour agohonest man accepted an unusual order, going to finish an honorable task.


___gentleman wants to see you, he claimed he had something important to inform you.

___lucy is calling up to you, asking when the exact time of the conference tonight is.


long long ago, there was___old king who had a very beautiful daughter.

there is___man swimming in the river.


birds of___feather flock together物以类聚。

they are nearly of __age. 他们年龄相同。 the two shirts are much of __size. 两件衬衫尺码相同。

此用法用于“be of +a/an +n.”表示物体大小、高低、长短、年龄、形状、特征)


we are allowed to drive at fifty miles___hour.

the medicine is to be taken three times___day.

特殊用法:比较级+cn.单, 表示“更…的”。

the shirt is too expensive for me. i’d like to look atcheaper one.


i don't know who invented telephone, but it's really___most wonderful invention.

did you enjoy yourself yesterday?

yes,as you know,the party went on in __most pleasant atmosphere.



in order to find a better job,he decided to studysecond foreign language.

weihai is___most beautiful costal city and i think i’ll go there forthird time.

4.物质名词(coffee, food, tea, rain, snow, wind等)或抽象名词(education, history, knowledge, pleasure, success, failure, experience, honor等)前一般不用不定冠词,但若表示“一种,一阵,一份”等含义时, 可用不定冠词。

h**e you got time for___coffee你有空喝杯咖啡吗?

there was___he**y rain yesterday. 昨天下了一场大雨。



h**e a look看一看h**e a walk散步h**e /take break休息一下。

h**e a try试一试h**e/take a bath洗澡h**e a swim游泳。

h**e a cold感冒give a laugh大笑give a smile微笑。

give a shout大喊make a choice做出选择make a decision作出决定。

make a plan制定计划let out a cry发出喊叫let out a sigh叹口气。

b.其他:after a while 过了一会儿all of a sudden 突然at a loss不知所措。

as a rule 通常as a result 结果,因此at a distance隔开一段距离。

as a matter of fact 事实上as a whole 大体上in a hurry 急忙

in a way 在某种程度上in a word 总而言之for a while一会儿。

put an end to...结束come to an end 结束come to a conclusion 得出结论

h**e a word with 和……谈一谈 make a living 谋生make a fool of 愚弄。




a man came up to a policeman and asked a question.__policeman didn’t understand___question, so he asked __man to repeat it.

john bought a bicycle, but when he rode it one of___wheels came off.

he owned a huge houseland and___building were worth millions.


___horse is a useful animal.=a horse is a useful animal.=horses are useful animals.


___telephone is a most useful invention in human history.


he was___first to speak against sl**ery.

___best time to teach a child anything about music is when he shows an interest.


___sun is shinning brightlymoon tr**els round___earth.


高中英语语法 冠词。1.不定冠词的用法。1 辅音音素前用a,元音音素前用an.如 a piece of information,an honest man 2 用于可数名词的单数形式前,指人或物的某一种类,此时a带有any的意思。如 a horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动...


一。概念。冠词是一个虚词,它置于名词之前,限定名词的意义。冠词可分为定冠词,不定冠词和零冠词三类。二。相关知识点精讲。1.a用于辅音发音开头的词前,如 a book an用于元音发音开头的词前,如 an apple,an hour.请区别 a useful machine,an umbrella,a...


年级高二班级学生姓名科目 英语制作人 张亚辉教导处审批 冠词。一 复习目标。1.我能掌握冠词在高考中的考点。2.我能很好运用冠词。二 self learning guidance and tests 1.知识要点导图。概念 位于名词前,用以说明该名词的含义。冠词的类别 定冠词,不定冠词,零冠词。用于...