中考英语语法总结 冠词

发布 2021-02-22 10:05:28 阅读 5196

冠词。冠词分为不定冠词(a, an )和定冠词。




she isagirl.

pass meanapple , please.


aboy is waiting for you

we work six daysaweek.



we are going to h**eanenglish lesson tomorrow.

i h**eamouth ,anose, two eyes and two ears.


afew,alittle,alot of注:用a还是an,要看后面的词读音以辅音开头还是以元音开头。二、定冠词的用法。

1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物。例如:thephoto oftheboy


where arethenew books, jim?

they are onthesmall table.


today he is ****** a machine.

he wants to ridethemachine like a bike and fly it like a plane.


thesun is bigger thanthemoon.


thefirst truck is carrying a few baskets.

thethird one is carryingthefewest of all.6).用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。例如:

thegreat wall

thenorth street hospital7).用在一些习惯用语中。例如:

inthemorning (afternoon, evening),ontheleft(right)

attheend of



china, grade two, bill smith, milk

2)名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代词。例如:

the letter is in her think the shop is closed at this time of day.


my father and mother are like cakes.


it is sunday (monday, tuesday, etc.)

today is mid-autumn is cold in winter.


uncle wang likes ****** colour are mrs green’s shoes?


he went to school after breakfast.

can you play basketball?注:

在某些固定词组中,如:at home, by bus, go to school等的名词前不用冠词。


1milk is foodmilk in this cup has gone bad.2. -do you like playingfootball?

--yes. but i h**e onlybasketball.3.

do you know __girl on __another side oflake?4. there’s __

u” ands” in __work “use”.

5. she says __animals cant’s live withoutair, either.

6. his father, who is __honest man, is teaching inuniversity.7.

which is he**ierelephant orhorse?8cold wind was blowing from the north.9.

he is always ready to helpold andyoung.10greens are tr**eling insouth china.11.

althoughmost of us like to drink beer, those who drink __most are __

least sawinteresting film last nightfilm was aboutkinddoctor.13. you can h**esecond try if you fail __first for a parent meeting.

15knowledge begins withpractice.解析:1.the

milk是物质名词,一般不用冠词,但后面加上一个定语in the cup后,使其成为特指,所以需要用定冠词the.)2. /the

球类运动前不用the ;指一个物体要用不定冠词a )3. the,/,the (特指这个女孩用the;名词前已有定语another;)发音以辅音开头所以用a;“s”发音以元音开头所以用an;特指这个单词用the)5. /泛指动物所以不用任何冠词; air不可数名词,其前一般不用冠词)6.

an, the ( honest发音以元音开头,故用an,在大学里为in the university)7. an, a或the ,the (不定冠词a , an和。

定冠词the与名词单数连用表示种类)8. a (物质名词coffee, food, tea, fog, rain, snow, wind等,在表示“一种”或“一场”的意义时,前面要加不定冠词。

9. the, the (形容词前加定冠词,表示一类人)10. the ,/姓氏的复数前加定冠词the表示一家人;在华南是in south china)11.

/the, the ( most当大多数讲时前面不用the;后两空均为形容词的最高级,前面要加the)12. a, the, a (第一空和第三空都指一个事物,第二空是特指前面提到的电影)13. a, the (a second try指的是第二次)14.

/,the (go to school去上学,go to the school去那所学校)15./,具有单纯意义的物质名词或抽象名词前,一般不用冠词)


一、在空白处填入a / an或the。

1. -mum, what shall we h**e for __dinner?


--oh, what __wonderful dinner! i enjoy it very much.2pla was founded onaugust 1st,19273kings came to us atnoon.

4. the scientists fromunited states live inninth street.5.

the doctor to him, “takemedicine twice __day. stay inbed andyou’ll be better soon.”

6. september 10th

isteachers’ day.

7. mr black arrived here ontuesday morning.8.

there are four seasons in __yearfirst season is spring. it isbestone offour.9.

some people h**e been tomoon, in __spaceship.10china isold country withlong history答案。

1. /a2. the, /

4. the, the

5. the, a, /

8. a, the ,the , the

10../an,/ a


a. /b. a

c. and. the1.

they are living __happy life now.2.

___bag on __desk is mine.3.

there is __empty box on the table.4.

do you like __music of the film “titanic”?

on __saturday, i stay in __bed till 12:00.6.

___browns h**e been to china twice.7.

don’t make any noise in __class.

this is such __interesting story that you must listen to it.9.

next week they will go to australia by __air.10.

which is bigger, _sun or __moon?

key: 1---5 bdcda

6---10 dacad

三、在空白处填入a / an或the。

1. this morning i bought __news***** and __magazinenews***** is in my bagbut i don’t know where i put __magazine.

___accidentthismorning.__carcrashedinto___tree. _driverof___car wasn’t hurt but __car was badly damaged.

3. there are two cars parked outside: _blue one and __grey oneblue oneis my neighbour’s; i don’t know who __owner of __grey one behind __house.

i would like to h**e __garden like that.1.a ,a, the the

a, a, the ,the, the

3. a, a, the the, the

4. an, a, a, the, a


冠词。指点迷津 1.不定冠词a an的用法 冠词a,an两种帽,许多名词常需要。开头读音如是元,要把an帽来讨要。辅音其首带a帽,记住规律莫乱套。2.定冠词the的用法 特指双方熟悉,上文已经提及。世上独一无二,方位名词乐器。某些专有名词,外加复数姓氏。序数词最高级,习惯用语要特记。二 不用冠词的情...

中考英语语法专题 冠词

一 概说。冠词 属于虚词,在句子里主要是对名词起限定作用,帮助说明名次的含义。冠词可以分为不定冠词和定冠词两种。a 是不定冠词,the 是定冠词。这类词的数量很小,但是其活动性却很大,很大。不定冠词a与数词one同源,是 一个 的意思,用于辅音音素前,一般读作 e 而an则用于元音音素前,一般读做 ...


不定冠词 不定冠词 a 用来表示可数名词的单数形式,用于辅音音素前,an用于元音音素前。如 a person,a day,an hour,an old man.定冠词用法 1 用于双方都知道的名词前 please cleantheclassroom.2 用于单数名词前,表示一类人或物 thehors...