
发布 2021-05-08 15:43:28 阅读 2165

1. –could you tell them __

of course, she lives in shanghai road.

a. where lily livesb. where lily lived

c. where did lily lived. where to live in


2. he hasn’t heard from his friend __last month.

a. sinceb. by the end ofc. ford. until

解析】a。易错选为d,not until应与过去的某种时态搭配,而现在完成时是现在时。拓展:hear from 收到来信;hear of 听说。

3. don’t throw waste ***** on the ground. please __

a. pick them up b. pick up themc. pick it upd. pick up it

解析】c。首先,waste *****是不可数名词,应该用it来替代,另外,pick up sth与pick it/them up 的形式也要关注。

4. neither he nor you is good at english. (

neither he nor you are good at english. (

解析】就近原则不要忘,常考词有either… or…, neither… nor…, not only …,but also…等。

5. i can’t help __the house this afternoon, for i need to finish my homework.

a. sweepingb. sweepc. sweptd. with sweep

解析】b。易错选a, can’t help doing 表示情不自禁,还是要注意句意。

6. the lift is used to __up and down every day.

a. goingb. wentc. god. gone

解析】c。易错选a。思维定式是中考英语容易出现的问题,be used to doing 是习惯于,而此句中use就是普通的行为动词“用作”。

7. my pen __better than yours. i may lend it to you.

a. is writtenb. wrotec. writesd. is writing

解析】c。易错选a。被动语态中的特殊情况还是要尤为注意,read, sell, write, lock这样的表示主语名词属性的动词是用主动表示被动的。

8. _my visit to france, i arrived __paris the first.

a. at, inb. on, atc. during, tod. in, on



9. you cannot imagine how much i __on this dress. is it beautiful?

a. paidb. tookc. costd. spent

解析】d。本题考察四个表“花费”的动词辨析。主语为人,且和介词on搭配的动词是spend。pay for sth。

10. the population of the world in 20th century became very much __than that in the 19th century.

a. biggerb. largerc. greaterd. more

解析】b。人口多少的形容词考查一直都是问题,人口多用large,人口少用small,形容number也是这个词,a large number of / a small number of。


1. 一张纸是a piece of *****;而*****s是文件的意思。

2. 感叹句需要注意:比方说天气真好有两种说法,一种是what fine weather it is today!

因为what后边需要接的是名词词组,且weather是不可数名词;另一种说法是how fine the weather is!由于how后边必须接的是形容词副词。

3. 注意单复数:如果说一项三个月的计划,应该这样表达:

a three-month plan;而如果说“你立刻我已经三个月了。”则应该如下表达:three months has passed since you left me.

4. there is no enough __in the corner to put the table.

a. placeb. room


5. some people like to stay at home, but __like to go to the cinema.

a. another b. otherc. others d. other one

英语中的“其它”表达法:other people = others, 对应的是some people;而another“另一个”对应的是“一个”,是没有范围的。

6. –a latest magazine, please.

only one left. would you like to h**e __

a. itb. onec. thisd. that


7. japan is __the east of china.

a. inb. toc. ond. at

解析:b。in 表示在范围里的, on表示紧挨着的; to 表示在范围以外的。

8. –must i finish it now? –no, you __

a. mustn’tb. needn’tc. can’td. shouldn’t

解析:b。must提问,回答肯定要must或者h**e to, 否定的话用needn’t或don’t h**e to。因为mustn’t是禁止的意思。

9. –i called you last night but no one answered the phone.

i __dinner with my friends in the restaurant.

a. h**eb. hadc. was h**ing d. h**e had


10. the train __for twenty minutes.

a. leftb. has leftc. is le**ing d. has been away

解析:d。易错选b;但是has left是瞬间完成的,不能用for twenty minutes,需要用表示延续性的动词,故用be away。





(在)90年代 (in) the nineties

(在)19世纪 (in) the nineteenth century

(在)18世纪30年代 (in) 1730s或1730's

3.分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于“1”,分母则加“s”。如:1/3 one third,2/3two thirds;


china is four times as large as europe.

china is four times the size of europe.

chia is three times larger than europe.

5.几个特殊的单词变复数 zoos, photos, bamboos,

tomatoes, potatoes, heroes,与people 都有”人” 的意思, 但用法不同。 “一个人”用 “a person”,两个人” 用 “two persons”; people 泛指 “人们”是集合名词,表示复数, the people 指 “人民”, a people 指 “一个民族”

7. 搞清楚状语从句的类别,这是选择题和作文必备的。


whenever he comes, he brings a friend. 他每次来都带个朋友。


as long as i am alive, i will go on studying. 只要我活着, 我就要学习。


since we live near the sea, we enjoy nice weather.由于我们住在海边,能享受到好的天气。


put it where we can all see it.把它放在我们都能看到的位置。


finish this so that you can start another.把这个做完,你可以开始另一个。


1.could you tell them of course,she lives in shanghai road.a.where lily livesb.where lily lived c.where did lily lived.where to live in 解析 a。易错选为b,不能一...


中学英语易错集锦大全。he was ill yesterday,so he didn t go to work.because he was ill yesterday,he didn t go to work.he was ill yesterday,so he didn t go to work...


2015中考英语易错题精选。he was ill yesterday,so he didn t go to work.because he was ill yesterday,he didn t go to work.he was ill yesterday,so he didn t go to w...