
发布 2021-05-07 20:24:28 阅读 2801


本课教学内容为六年级第一册第四单元第二十五课《 christmas is coming!》.本课介绍了北美文化中一个十分重要的节日---圣诞节,通过了解圣诞节的起源、传统、习俗、培养孩子们的跨文化意识,使他们在轻松、愉快的气氛中达到语言学习目的。

学生分析 :


教具准备 :

1. 教学**,实物。




能够听、说、读、写单词christmas, christmas tree,holiday ,lights

识记单词special, santa, toys, invite, bring, give

能力目标:能听懂关于圣诞节的故事,准确说出 “what is christmas?”,及圣诞节特殊的理由,能够在实际的生活中灵活运用过圣诞节的一些说法,如“邀请别人,互赠礼物,唱圣诞赞歌”等,培养孩子们的听说及语言交际能力。



掌握单词christmas, christmas tree,holiday ,lights并能够准确认读单词special, santa, toys, invite, bring, give。

2.能用英语表述“what is christmas?”,准确说出圣诞节特殊的理由。

难点: 能够在实际生活中灵活运用过圣诞节的一些说法,如“邀请别人,互赠礼物,唱圣诞赞歌”等。


课前**歌曲jingle bells,渲染圣诞的节日氛围。)

2. greeting

t:hello,boys and girls!

s:hello,miss huo!

t:nice to meet you!

s: :nice to meet you,too!

t:let’s play a game,ok?

2)play a game “what holiday is it?”出示**,提问“what holiday is it?”,并说出具体日期。

t: today i brought some pictures,through these pictures,can you guess?

what holidays they are?

s:it is __

t: they are holidays. on a holiday, people don’t work, children don’t go to you like holidays?

do you like holidays?


用日历问答“what day is it today?”,然后把日历翻到12月25日,问 “what day is it?”,帮助学生回答 “it’s december twenty-fifth.

”.紧接着介绍 “december twenty-fifth is christmas.”.

示范说christmas,学生逐排练习。问 “when is christmas?”帮学生回答。

t: what day is it today?

s: it is december twenty-fifth.

t: december twenty-fifth is christmas.

t: is it christmas? (look at the pictures, 出示春节**,进行中西方文化对比。)

s: no, it’s spring festival.

t: do you like spring festival?

s: yes.

t: why?

s: because we can eat good food, we can stay at home….

t: spring festival is in china . it is a chinese holiday.(板书)

i like spring festival, i like christmas too. is christmas a chinese holiday?

s: no.

t: it’s a western holiday.(板) on a holiday, people don’t work.

children don’t go to school.( let children try to say the sentences by themselves.)

t: what’s christmas? (let children answer this question.)

s: it’s a western holiday. on a holiday, people don’t work. children don’t go to school.

christmas is special.

t: do you like christmas? why?

s: yes, i like christmas. because i like christmas trees, lights, santa and christmas songs.

t: we h**e christmas trees, lights, santa. so we say christmas is special.

what’s this?(出示**)

it’s a christmas tree.(强调读音)

what are on the christmas tree? what are these

these are christmas lights.

where are they?

s: they are on the christmas tree.

t: are they beautiful?

s: yes.

t:(出示圣诞老人**) this is is he? he is a merry man in red clothes.

children say he brings toys on always says:hoo,hoo,hoo”.

t: next, let’s go to jenny’s house, let’s look at what jenny’s family do on christmas?(让学生在好奇中学知识)出示课件。

t: we invite our family and friends to our house.(表演如何邀请别人:

by telephone “hello, please come for christmas!”)

we bring gifts for each other. they bring gifts for us.

we give our family and friends gifts too. and we say “merry christmas!”

we sing special songs at christmas. christmas songs are carols.

listen to the famous song do you like the song?

s: yes!

listen to the tape,answer some questions

1)what’s christmas?

2)why is christmas special?

3)do you like santa?why?

4)when is christmas?


acting(给学生时间准备对话,自己设置情境,怎样过圣诞节,教师的课件中给一些提示语when is christmas ?it’s december twenty—fifth. please come for christmas.

we bring gifts for you . merry christmas. here you are .

i’m excited.)

tell others “what is christmas?” and “what are you going to do at christmas? ”

5.板书 lesson 25: christmas is coming!

christmas christmas lights

holiday santa


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