
发布 2021-05-06 15:00:28 阅读 7463

it’s wonderful!真是太棒了!it won't be long.不会太久的。

it won't take much time.不会花太多时间的。it's been a long time好久不见了。

it's nothing.小事情,没什么。it's hard to say.很难说。

it's true.那是事实。it's a pity!真可惜!

it figures.可想而知。

it all adds up.这倒说得通。

it depends.看情形。

it's incredible!真是不可思议!

it doesn't matter.没关系。it won't work.行不通。

it's a long story.一言难尽。it's all over.没事了。

it's about time.时间差不多了。it's awful.真糟糕。

it makes me sick!我看了就恶心!(真恶心!)

it's going a bit too far.有点过分了。it's a fib!那是谎言!

it's a little untidy!有点脏!it's bugging me!烦死我了!

it's a bore.真无聊。

it doesn't hurt to try.试试看不要紧。

it's noisy, smoky and too crowded here.这儿人多嘴杂,空气又脏。what on earth are you doing?


that sends me!这是我喜欢的!that's fine.很好。

that's enough.够了。that's do.行。

that's it.对了。

that's disgusting.真讨厌。(真恶心。)

that can't be.不可能。

that's really something.真了不起。

that reminds me.这倒使我想起来了。it almost slipped my mind.我差点忘了。

that's no concern of yours.不关你的事。that's what you think.是你这么想。

that's a good one.绝不是真的。很好笑。that hot sun is murder!太阳热得要命!

what's happening?发生了什么事?what's the rush?急什么?

what's new?最近怎样?

what's wrong with you?你怎么了?

what's so funny?有什么好笑的?what's your hang-up?有什么烦恼吗?

what a pain in the neck!真令人头痛!what's the dope?你故弄什么玄虚?

what's keeping you?什么事绊住你了?what could be worse?这已经是最糟的啦!

what do you know!真想不到!

what do you mean by that?你这是什么意思?

what's the difference?那又何妨?what's this stuff?这是什么东西?

what's on your mind?你有什么心事?what the hell?究竟是搞什么?

that's for me.这是我喜欢的。how kind of you!你真好!

how nice of you!你真好!how lucky you are!你真幸运!

how will this do?这样行吗?how come?为什么?

how about you?你呢?

how do you like it?你喜欢吗?

how can you tell?你怎么知道?where to?到哪儿?

where's your judgment?你吃错药啦?where was i?我刚才说到**?

are you all right?你没事吧?

are you expecting someone?你在等人吗?

are you sure?你肯定吗?are you crazy?你疯了吗?

are you mad?你生气了吗?do i shock you?吓了你一跳吗?

does it cost much?很贵吗?who knows天晓得。

do you get the picture?你了解了吗?do you smoke?你吸烟吗?

will you join us?你要不要参加?may i h**e your name?请问贵姓?

may i be excused?我可以先走一步吗?can i h**e this?这个可以给我吗?

can i give you a hand?需要我帮忙吗?why are you so blue?你为什么如此忧虑?

why are you so tongue-tied?你为什么那么木呐?

did she ever make a pass at you?她会不会对你表示好感?

who cares?我才不管。

still up?还没睡吗?

still i’m not convinced.我还是不相信is that so?是吗?

i mean it.我不是开玩笑的。i’m serious.我是认真的。

i’m so scared.我很怕。

i’m not kidding.我不是开玩笑的。

i’ll consider the matter.我会考虑这件事。i see.我明白了。

i’ll do something about it.我会想办法的。i’m glad to hear that.很高兴听到这样。

i know better.我才没那么笨。i need a break.我需要机会。

i’m flattered.您过奖了。(我受宠若惊)i’m dying to see you.我真想见你。

i quit.我不干了。

i’ll try.我会努力的。

i’ll do that.我会照办。

i’ll do my best.我会尽力而为的。

i’m all for it.我完全赞成。i’ll be glad to.乐意之至。

i hope so.但愿如此。i wish i could.不行。

i’ve heard so much about you.久仰大名。i beg you pardon?请您再说一遍好吗?

i h**e no idea.我不清楚。

i don’t think so.我不认为如此。

i’m sure.我肯定。

i’m not sure.我不敢确定。

i won’t buy your story.我才不信你那一套。i doubt it.我怀疑。

i can’t believe it.令人难以置信。i’m not in the mood.我没心情。

i can’t help it.我没办法。

i can’t stand him.我受不了他。

it’s not necessary.不必了。

i wouldn’t care less.我一点也不在乎。

i’m afraid i can’t.我恐怕不行。i can’t make it.我办不到。++


1.i am behind you.我支持你!2.it s greek to me.我完全不懂!3.that rings a bell.听起来耳熟。4.don t take it to heart.别往心里去!5.that s something.太棒了!6.i m broke.我身无分文。7.le...


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