
发布 2021-05-06 14:54:28 阅读 2029

1、― would you mind if we asked you for some advice?

a:thank you so much

b:what do you want?

c:that's all right

d:yes. please go ahead.


2、― could i see your ticket please?

a:i am not sure yet

b:i'd love one.

c:i might be. why

d:here you are.


3、-you speak very good english.

a:it's very kind of you to say so

b:no, i can't

c:you are right

d:that's all right


4、-you've been busy, h**en't you?

a:i was busy last week.

b:yes, i've been working hard on my *****.

c:i will get busy with my english studies .

d:i'd like to get busy like our teachers .

答案:b解析:反问句“h**n’t you”,忙则回答yes,不忙则回答no。

5、- h**e a good day!

a:you, too.

b:i hope so.

c:me, too.

d:it's a wonderful day, isn't it?


6、- hello, i'd like to speak to mark, please.

a:yes, i'm mark

b:this is mark speaking.

c:it's me here

d:this is me.


7、- may i h**e three tickets, please?

a:it may h**e begun already.

b:please come tomorrow.

c:i'm sorry we've sold out

d:you are too early.


8、- i beg your pardon?

a:i said, "what do you think of the movie

b:sorry, i didn't say it clearly.

c:i will repeat

d:it's my pleasure.

答案:a解析:beg your pardon意为“再说一次”,作出相应回答。

9、-is that a japanese car?

a:it's a sports car.

b:yes, that is.

c:yes, it is.

d:it's a lovely car.


please call me mary. that's my first name.

a:how can i name you

b:how shall i address you?

c:what is it called?

d:are you mary?

答案:b解析:从答句call me mary可推断问句为询问姓名,作出想益ing回答。address somebody意为“称呼某人”。

11、- excuse me. how do i get to porter street from here?

you'd better ask someone else.

a:well, it's not too far away.

b:do you ask me?

c:i'm not from around here.

d:pleased to meet you.

答案:c解析: “请问我怎么从这里去波特路呢”,回答表示不清楚。

12、- do you think i could borrow your dictionary this weekend?

sorry, but __

a:you can not h**e it right away

b:i'm sure you'll like it.

c:i'm going to need it myself

d:the dictionary is just there.


13、- i feel sick.

i'm not sure, but i h**e got a bad headache.

a:i'm sorry to hear that.

b:how are you feeling now?

c:do you h**e a high temperature?

d:how long h**e you been away?


14、- may i speak to mr. white?

i'm afraid he isn't in. this is his secretary speaking. can i help you?

a:oh, what's a pity

b:thanks, would you please take a message for me?

c:i don't think so

d:well, i look forward to hearing from you.

答案:b解析:**语。寻找向不在办公室的怀特先生留口信(take a message)。

15、- what do you want, mary?

a:sorry, i want to go home.

b:yes, i plan to go shopping.

c:i'd like some red wine, please.

d:no, i don't care.


16、- hello, i'm d**id chen. nice to meet you.

a:are you

b:nice to meet you too.

c:yesd:very nice.


17、- would you be interested in seeing a film tonight?

a:not at all

b:are you sure?

c:great! i'd love to

d:you're welcome.

答案:c解析:be interested in doing 意为“对……感兴趣“,作出相应回答。

18、- you've got the first prize in the dancing contest.

a:you are welcome

b:oh, really? i can't believe my ears!

c:please accept my congratulations

d:it's very kind of you.


19、- excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office?

a:sorry, i'm a stranger here, too

b:the office is new

c:i don't like it

d:it' very nice.


20、- i've passed the examination.

a:what a pity

b:i hate the exam.


d:come on.


21、- hello, i'd like to speak to mr. wang.

he's out to lunch now. _

sure, thank you.

a:sorry, you can't

b:i don't know.

c:no, you can't


1 thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.a never mind b i m glad you like it.c please don t say so.d no,it s not so good.答案 b难度 1 知识点 英语知识运用部分 大学...


1 thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.a never mind b i m glad you like it.c please don t say so.d no,it s not so good.答案 b解析 感谢别人赠送的礼物,回答表示欣慰。...


1 thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.gift 礼物。a never mind 不介意 b i m glad you like it 我佷高兴你喜欢 c please don t say so.请不要这样说 d no,it s not so go...