统考英语B 交际用语 题库

发布 2022-09-07 08:12:28 阅读 8919


1. "why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? .



a". excuse me, my friend sent me a flower"

b". fine, i never go to birthday parties"

c". well, i don’t like birthday parties"

d". sorry, but my wife had a car accident" (v)


this is tom. 我是汤姆。

a". speaks"

b". spoken"

c". speaking" (v)

d". saying"

3. "marilyn, i’m afraid i h**e to be le**ing now.


_ _噢,那么早?"

a". that sounds wonderful."

b". oh, so early?" v)

c". not at all."

d". good luck!"

4. "is it possible for you to work late tonight? 今晚加班可以么


a". i like it."

b". i'll do that."

c". i'd love to."

d". i think so." v)

5. "would you please show me your bankbook?能给我看一下存折么?

给你"a". sorry, i h**e no ide"

b". here you are." v)

c". come with me."

d". yes, i'd like to."

6. "bring me the bill, please.

a". you are welcome."

b". please wait for a moment, sir." v)

c". i'll hurry up."

d". be quick."

7. "my son won the first prize in the writing contest!


恭喜"a". congratulations!" v)

b". are you sure of that?"

c". what a pity!"

d". it's terrible."

8. "could you help me with english? 你能帮我学习英语么?

- _对不起,不行,我有个马上有个会要参加。"

a". no, no way."

b". no, i couldn't."

c". no, i can't."

d". sorry i can't. i h**e an appointment right now." v)

9. "hi, is mary there, please?- 请问,mary 在吗?


a". hold on. i’ll get her." v)

b". no, she isn’t here."

c". yes, she lives here."

d". yes, what do you want?"

10. "thanks for your help. 谢谢您的帮助。


a". my pleasure." v)

b". never mind"

c". quite right."

d". don't thank me."

11. "what are you majoring in? 你学啥专业的?

数学"a". in a university."

b". very hard"

c". mathematics." v)

d". at nine in the morning."

12. "could you help me with my physics, please?


很抱歉不行。我马上要去开会。(表示歉意要婉转,不能直接说 no 还应加理由)"

a". no, no way"

b". no, i couldn’t"

c". no, i can’t"

d". sorry i can’t. i h**e to go to a meeting right now" (v)

13. "we are going to h**e a singing party tonight. would you like to join us?



a". i'm afraid not, because i h**e to go to an important meeting." v)

b". of course not. i h**e no ide"

c". no, i can't."

d". that's all set."


well, they got there last wednesday. so about a week.


a". when did your parents arrive at paris"

b". how long h**e your parents been in paris" (v)

c". did your parents arrive at paris last wednesday"

d". when will your parents go to paris"

15. "how do you do? 见到你很高兴 (正式场合)


a". fine.,thank you."

b". how do you do?" v)

c". not too bad"

d". very well."

16. "paul鲍勃,那边再说话的人是谁

oh, that’s my father! and beside him , my mother.那是我父亲,他旁边是我母亲"

a". what is the person over there"

b". who’s talking over there" (v)

c". what are they doing"

d". which is that"

17. "how tall is your sister? 你姐姐有多高?


a". she is not very well."

b". she is 28 years old"

c". she is very nice."

d". she is as tall as i am." v)

18. "hello, may i speak to zhao hua? 赵华在么。


a". my name is zhao hua"

b". i'm zhao hua"

c". this is zhao hua speaking" (v)

d". zhao hua is me"

19. "could i borrow your car for a few days? 你能借我你的车用几天么?


a". yes, you may borrow."

b". yes, go on."

c". sure, here is the key. enjoy your journey." v)

d". it’s doesn’t matter."

20. "must i take a taxi? 我必须坐出租车去么?

- no, you __you can take my car.不必你可以做我的车。"

a". had better to"

b". don't"

c". must not"

d". don't h**e to" (v)

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