统考英语B 交际用语 题库

发布 2022-09-07 08:16:28 阅读 9448


1. "we really enjoy ourselves at the party. thanks again, mr. and


just drop in whenever you feel like it.这是我的荣幸,你随时来访都行。"

a". our great honour"

b". nice h**ing you here"

c". nice you are here"

d". with pleasure" (v)

2. "i didn’t mean to do that. please forgive me. 我不是故意那么做的,请原谅我

没关系"a". not too bad"

b". that’s all right." v)

c". it's a pleasure."

d". thank you."

3. "good morning, may i speak to mark, please? 早上好,我可以跟马克说话么?


a". who is there?"

b". who’s that speaking?" v)

c". who are you?"

d". who wants to speak to mark?"

4. "could you help me with my physics, please?


很抱歉不行。我马上要去开会。(表示歉意要婉转,不能直接说 no 还应加理由)"

a". no, no way"

b". no, i couldn’t"

c". no, i can’t"

d". sorry i can’t. i h**e to go to a meeting right now" (v)

5. "thank you for the wonderful meal. 谢谢你这么好的肉。


a". oh, i don't think you ate well."

b". i'm not a good cook in fact."

c". be careful next time."

d". i'm glad you enjoyed it." v)

6. "what’s the problem with your bike?


没啥"a". not at all."

b". good, thank you."

c". nothing serious." v)

d". sure."

7. "i think he is a good lecturer. 我认为他是一个好讲师


a". sorry, it doesn't matter."

b". so do i." v)

c". yes. it's a good ide"

d". i don't mind"

8. "paul鲍勃,那边再说话的人是谁

oh, that’s my father! and beside him , my mother.那是我父亲,他旁边是我母亲"

a". what is the person over there"

b". who’s talking over there" (v)

c". what are they doing"

d". which is that"

9. "i‘m sorry. i am late due to the he**y traffic.


好吧"a". well, it's ok." v)

b". no, it's all right."

c". you are welcome."

d". you are wrong."

10. "unbelievable! i h**e failed the driving test again!


this is not the end of the world.振作点,这不是世界末日"

a". good luck."

b". cheer up." v)

c". go ahead"

d". no problem."

11. "could you pass me the salt and pepper? 你能递给我盐和辣椒么?

给你"a". sorry, i didn't know what you mean."

b". ok, here you are." v)

c". no, i won't."

d". i don't know."

12. "did you know that d**id injured his leg yesterday.


- really是么?怎么弄得?"

a". who did that?"

b". what's wrong with him?"

c". how did that happen?" v)

d". why was he so careless?"

13. "could you help me with my physics, please? 你能帮助我做物理作业么?


a". no, no way."

b". no, i couldn't."

c". no, i can't ."

d". sorry i can't. i h**e to go to a meeting right now." v)

14. "thanks for your help. 谢谢您的帮助。


a". my pleasure." v)

b". never mind"

c". quite right."

d". don't thank me."

15. "let me introduce myself. i‘m steward.自我介绍下我是斯图尔德


a". what a pleasure."

b". pleased to meet you." v)

c". i don't know."

d". thanks a lot."

16. "would you go to the concert with me? 你能同我去电影远么?

but i'm very busy now.我很乐意,但是我很忙"

a". i'd like to" (v)

b". sure"

c". no problem"

d". certainly"

17. "hello, may i speak to zhao hua? 赵华在么。


a". my name is zhao hua"

b". i'm zhao hua"

c". this is zhao hua speaking" (v)

d". zhao hua is me"

18. "good-bye for now. 再见吧

再见"a". the same to you."

b". that’s ok."

c". see you." v)

d". long time to see."

19. "can i ask you a few questions? 我能问你一些问题么?

当然"a". what do you do?"

b". it's a good ide"

c". no, thanks."

d". certainly." v)

20. "could you help me with english? 你能帮我学习英语么?

- _对不起,不行,我有个马上有个会要参加。"

a". no, no way."

b". no, i couldn't."

c". no, i can't."

d". sorry i can't. i h**e an appointment right now." v)

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