
发布 2021-05-04 23:28:28 阅读 9910







1. a. people will h**e computers in their homes.

b. people will h**e robots in their homes.

c. people will h**e cars in their homes.

2. a. you should write him a letter.

b. you should call him up.

c. you should go to his house.

3. a. when he came in, i was talking on the phone.

b. when he came in, i was ****** a smoothie.

c. when he came in, i was studying in the library.

4. a. she said she was mad at marcia.

b. she said she was h**ing a party for linda.

c. she said she went to the beach every sunday.

5. a. what will happen if you h**e the party?

b. what will happen if you take the bus to the party?

c. what will happen if you ride your bike to the party?



11. a. stamps.

b. shells.

c. coins.

12. a. go to school.

b. go to the classroom.

c. go to the store.

13. a. wednesday.

b. thursday.

c. tuesday.

14. a. her friends.

b. her brother.

c. her parents.

15. a. he likes playing the violin.

b. he likes flying kite.

c. he likes dancing.


mr. taylor was a 16 news***** man. he liked to 17 with people about anything.

one day, mr. taylor talked with a man. of course the argument came to 18 .

at last the man said, “well, sir. you 19 never forget this, there are always three answers to every question, your answer, my answer and the correct answer.”

mr. taylor 20 it interesting and he never forgot it.



1.—there is some soup on the table, isn’t

no, i think that’s water.

a. there b. it

c. that d. one

2. the life we were used togreatly since 1992.

a. change b. has changed

c. changing d. h**e changed

3.—where is your father?

heto australia on business.

a. has been b. has gone

c. went d. will

4. linda needs to get some moneysummer camp.

a. to pay for b. to pay off

c. to join d. joining in

5. maria is going toon saturday.

a. be free b. free

c. has free d. be a free

6. people can’t liveairwater.

a. with; and b. with; or

c. without; and d. without; or

7. when he got home, his parents

a. were sleep b. were asleep

c. went to bed d. are sleeping

8. please walk fastwe’ll be late for the meeting.

a. or b. and

c. so d. then

9. they had a great time last saturdaythey?

a. didn’t b. hadn’t

c. doesn’t d. isn’t

10she met a handsome young man.

a. by the way

b. in the way

c. on the way back home

d. on the way back to home


autumn comes, the le**es f to the ground.

2. i can’t stand rock music. it’s too l .

summer marcia and her family f to canada for their vacation.

must buy a t when you go by train, bus or plane.

want you to pass this m to emilio when he returns. it’s very important information.

you m giving me a hand?

pot-bellied pig is the best gift i h**e ever r .

been s for about three years on the real ice.

students c the bridge and walked on to the park.

you get a when someone stands in the bus door?


1. the water was so dirty that we couldn’t drink it.(改为同义句)

the water wasdirty for us

2. he has been swimming in winter since 2000.(对画线部分提问)

he been swimming in winter?

3. both you and i are good at our subjects.(改为否定句)

you nor iin our subjects .

4. look! the policeman is running after the thief.(改为同义句)

look! the policemanthe thief.

5. she has to go there on foot every three days.(对画线部分提问)

she h**e to go there on foot?


it took tom several months to s**e up ten dollars. he wanted to 1 a stamp-album and went to the shop with the money. on the way tom saw a little boy 2 on a corner of the street.

“ 3 are you crying?” tom asked. “two big boys took 4 my two dollars just now,” the boy said, “i was 5 my way to buy some exercise books, but now i 6 .

”the little boy cried again. tom touched the money in his pocket. he thought of 7 and looked at the poor boy.

tom wanted to walk away, 8 he didn’t. he 9 two dollars to the boy and went away.


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