
发布 2021-04-29 08:30:28 阅读 1148



house; horserun; high jump

hot; he**yhungry; happysoup ;sweets


1. our english teacher is veryn,c,i,e).

2. i’m going to go toe,e,s)a film.

3. the river thames isn,l,o,g) and wide.

4. children likes,b,i,u,i,c,t)

5. can youa,m,k,e) a cake?



a.上午;流感 b.下午;非典型肺炎 c.上午;非典型肺炎

2is the capital of england.

a. london b. hong kongc. new york

3. there are __days in february.

a. 30 or 31 b. 29 or 30c. 28 or 29

4. i’ll fly a plane. i’ll be a

a. teacherb. pilotc. farmer

5is not in england.

a. hyde parkb. the great wall c. tower bridge

6. the boy can __very fast. look, he is __now.

a. run ;run b. running; running c. run; running

isn’t __bread on the table.

a. ab. somec. any

8. a: it’s dark here. b: you canthe light.

a. turn onb. openc. turn in

little girl isher mother.

a. waitingb. waiting forc. waiting to

you going to play footballmonday?

a. inb. onc. at



elephant is second

panda is fourth.(

lion is third.(

is a kite in the picture

are not any balls.(

is a river in the picture.(



a. happy birthday to you !

b. happy christmas!


a. come inb. come on!


a. what’s on the five floor?

b. what’s on the fifth floor?


a. can you help me ?

b. can i help you ?


a. do you want some soup ?

b. can i h**e some soup ?

. let’s make tea.将**连线,并把句子重新排序。(8%)

after five minutes…

)first, put some tea in the cup.

( )you can drink your tea.

)then, put some boiling water in the cup.

.the winter vacation(寒假) is coming. 看看fangfang在假期里打算做些什么呢?(20%)

hello. i’m fangfang. i h**e so many things to do in this winter vacation.

i like reading. so i’m going to read some story-books. i’m going to play the violin.

i’m going to skate in the park. and i’m going to help my mother do some housework. during (在…其间)the spring festival, i’m going to go to hainan with my mother and my father.

i’m going to swim in the sea. i think it’s warm there. this is my plan(计划), what about you ?


runwatch tv (

read story-books ( do homework (

swimplay the violin (

play footballplay computer games

learn englishgo to hainan (

are you going to do in the winter vacation ?你又将如何度过一个有意义的假期呢?快快动笔写下来吧!

i’m going to


北京个性化辅导老师no.1: 毕业于北京师范大学英语系,中教高级,教学经验丰富。


家教经历: 一直从事英语教学,丰富的教学经验,工作之余也一直从事个性化"一对一"教育的研究,熟悉北京小学升初中英语考试要求,针对您的孩子综合素质情况制定切实有效的“一对一”个性化辅导计划,真正做到因材施教挖掘学生最大学习潜力,使学生逐渐转变为自我学习强大者。保证学生成绩提高,逐步养成良好的学习习惯!

北京个性化辅导老师no.2: 大学在校期间,获优秀学生干部称号,三好学生称号,获校级二等奖学金2次和校级三等奖奖学金1次,有着扎实的专业知识,亲切和善,擅长与人沟通。


家教经历: 本人认真负责、有耐心,解题思路清晰,美术功底好,语言表达能力强。能很好的听取学生意见,个性化辅导教学,根据学生的自身情况辅导。


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