
发布 2021-03-03 02:59:28 阅读 3077



1. you h**e been to paris

a. aren’t you b. didn'tyou

c. won’t you d. h**en’tyou


no one knows it, do they?

everyone knows it, don’tthey?

everyone is ready to le**e now, aren’t they?

he must h**e been there before, hasn’t he?

he must h**e gone there yesterday, didn’t he?

open the window, willyou?

let’s go, shall we?

let us go,will you?

2. most ofscientistsknow about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material remains.

a. which b. what

c. that d. whom


what 引导定语从句时,相当于先行词和关系代词的结合体,因此前面不能再出现先行词。

常可理解成: the + n.+ that


sheis not what she used to be. =

she is not the girl that she used to be.)

*不能说成 she is not the girl what she used to be.

in1869, they met a place called promontory in what is now the state of utah. =

in 1869, they met a place calledpromontory in theplace that is now the state of utah.

* 这种用法中,what前面没有先行词。

用法二: what 作关系形容词,此时结构是“ what + 名词”,意思是“所有的……”尽可能多的……”

what money i h**e has been given to you. =all the money thati h**e has been given to you.)

pleaselend me what reference books you h**e on thissubject. =please lend me all the reference booksthat you h**e on this subject.)

补充题:* most of___food elephant eat is brought to their mouths by their trunks(n.象鼻).

a. what b. which c. who d. as

* most ofthe food __elephants eat is brought to their mouths by their trunks.

a. what b. which c. who d. as

答案:1. what 2. which(当然也可是that)

3. for many years the one couple one child policy has been carried outin china,many householdstheir children as a consequence.

a. encourage vt.鼓励

b. practise v.练习

c. spoil vt.溺爱

d. advocate vt.提倡。

4. it turned out that the children were notfor the accident.

a. to blame b. to be blamed

c. to be blaming h**e been blamed

* blame sb for sth

* blame sth on sb

* be to blame for sth

5. frankly speaking, i don’t care for the wayyou’re speaking to me.

a. that c. which d. as

the way + that / in which / 省略。

补充题:this is the book asi lost. 和我掉的书一样,但不是同一本。

this is the book thati lost. 就是我掉的那一本。

6. in an electric lamp thereshould not be any oxygenthe wires may burn away(烧掉).

a. from which b. in which

c. at which d. by which

electric lamp n.电灯 bulb n.灯泡。

解决这类问题的方法:定语从句中的谓语动词(若有宾语也一起加上)+ 所选介词 + 先行词,再看是否通顺即可。

此句中:the wires may burn away in oxygen 通顺,所以选b

补充题:the colorless gas iscalled oxygen __we can s**e the patient.

a. from which b. on which

c. at which d. with which

此句中:s**e the patient with oxygen


7the fact that hisinitial experiments had failed, prof. white persistedin his research.

a. because of

c. in spite of d. in view of

8the policeman stillhas good command.

a. sophisticated assearch techniques were

b sophisticated were searchtechniques

c search techniques weresophisticated

d. sophisticated as searchtechniques they were

想想这句:rich as he is, he is unhappy.


考点:as 引导的倒装句。

结构一:adj. /adv.

/ 分词/ 名词(无冠词)/ 短语 + as + 主语 + 谓语,例: child as heis, he faced the dangerous situation calmly. (名词前不加冠词)

例: oldest in ourworkshop as he is, he works hardest. (最高级前不用the)

例: praised as hewas, he remained modest. (过去分词)

结构二:(vt.+ 宾语)(vi.) as + 主语 + 助动词,例: lose money asi did, i got a lot of experience.

= although i lost money, i got a lot ofexperience.

例: fail as i did, i would never stop trying.

9. the percentage of the studentsbeing absent iswhich makes the teacher gratified.

a. on the rise the increase

c. on the decrease d. on the decline


* 分数、比例、百分比常用on the decline

10. evidence came up __specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

a. with b. to c. that d. which

同位语从句: 原本是evidence thatcame up

11. he didn’t show up at theparty yesterday. hein the lab.

a. must be busy working

b. must h**e been busy to work

c. must h**e been busy working

d. would h**e been busy working

固定搭配:be busy (with) sth / doing sth

猜测:tom must be an engineer.

tom can’t be an engineer.

tom may be an engineer.

tom must h**e been anengineer.

tom can’t h**e been an engineer.

tom may h**e been an engineer.

12. he suggests that he __with his routine work.

a. should bore b. bebored

c. is bored d. isboring

suggest在这里不是“建议”,不需要用: (should) +v.


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