
发布 2021-03-03 03:01:28 阅读 5763


what is a clause ? 从句就是一个句子充当某个成分。根据其位置不同而有不同的名称。

please look at the following sentences.

1.)what is needed is careful preparation. (主语从句)

2.)whether she’s coming or not doesn’t matter too much. (主语从句)

3.)what he said and what he did were different. (主语从句)(两个主语从句是复数)

4) the trouble is that she has lost his address.(表语从句)

5). please tell me when we shall discuss our work plan.(宾语从句)

6.) no matter how pure the water looks, 』i prefer not to drink it.(状语从句)

7). this is the man (who wants to see you.) 定语从句)

8.) you can call me< whatever you like.> 宾语补足语从句)

9.) i can be called (主语补足语从句)

10). i h**e no idea when he will be back. (同位语从句)


1. 疑问词充当主语 + 谓语。

who will go / makes no difference.

who will go就是一个从句,放在主语的位置上。

i don’t know/ who will go.

who will go就是一个从句,放在宾语的位置上。

it is still a question who will go.

who will go就是一个从句,放在同位语的位置上。

2. 疑问词+ 名词 +主语+谓语

(whose) book it is/ doesn’t matter.

(whose) book it is就是一个从句。

3疑问词+主语 + 谓语

how this happened is not clear.

how this happened就是一个从句。

whose )money was stolen/ is very important to me.

whose )money was stolen就是一个从句。

how much ) money was stolen is very important to me.

how many )students h**e passed the test is unknown to us.

从句第二类公式的推导 conjunction (连词或连词短语)+ 主语+ 谓语。

as they walked along, the students sang happily. as就是连词。

he died in order that the others could be s**ed.

in order that就是连词短语。

whether she is coming or not doesn’t matter too much. whether---or not就是连词短语。


从句第三类公式的推导以 that 开头引导的从句。

1主语从句 that (不省略,不充当成分) +主语 +谓语。

that she will go is certain.= it is certain that she will go.

she will go, which is certain. 相当于定语从句

her going is certain.

2. 表语从句中that(不可省略, 不充当成分) +主语 +谓语。

the trouble is that i h**e forgotten her address.

3. 宾语从句中 that(第一个可以省略, 不充当成分) +主语 +谓语。

i hope (that )you can come tomorrow and that you can do something for me.

4. 定语从句中

1) that (充当主语)+谓语

who is the man that is reading over there ? 不可以省略)

2).that(充当宾语,可以省略) +主语 +谓语

the letter (that) i received yesterday was from my mother.

5. 同位语从句 that(不省略,不充当成分) +主语 +谓语。

we heard the news that our team had won.

6.状语从句 that(不省略,不充当成分) +主语 +谓语。

the dead sea is so salty that fish can’t live in it.

i’m glad that you h**e come.

they got up early (so) that they might catch the first bus.

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