
发布 2021-04-29 08:31:28 阅读 2420

长沈路学校六年级英语基础知识检测 2013.5.13

一、 根据汉语意思,写出下列单词。(共10分)

1. 手表2. 下雨3. 雪人。

4. 飞机5. 钥匙6. **。

7. 鱼8. 电脑。

9. 中国10. 水。


1. apple (复数2. for (同音词。

3. tooth (复数4. thin(反义词。

(现在分词 (换一个字母变新单词。

7. what is (缩写8. run (过去式。

9. tall (比较级10. do (第三人称单数。


) minus (减) seven __four. a. are b. is c. am

)2. what so you do __saturday? a. on b. in c. at

)3. tom __classes from monday to friday.

a. h**e b. has c. there are

)4. i likefootball. a. play b. playing c. play a

)5is it? ten yuan.

a. how many b. how old c. how much

)6. i go to schoolfoot every day. a. in b. on c. by

)7. i think your chinesevery good. a. is b. am c. are

)8. look, she isa book in the room. a. reading b. watching c. seeing

)9. can you clean the room? yesa. i do b. i am c. i can

)10. how manyare there in the tree?

a. birds b. bird c. the bird

)11. did you help them clean their classroom?

a. yes, i did. b. no, he did. c. yes, i didn’t.

)12. please give hertea.

a. a cup b. a cup of c. a cup with

)13. there are many starsthe sky. a. in b. under c. on

)14. where are you

a. from b. of c with

)15. uncle li is ****** some model shipsthe boys.

a. at b. for c. of

)16. who’sduty today?

a. at b. on c. for

)17. what’s wrongyour leg?

a. of b. in c. with

)18. i get upseventhe morning.

a. at, at b. in, at c. at, in

)19. let’s go and see __

a. he b. him c. his

)20. is the kite broken? i don’t think

a. it b. so c. that



a. sit down, please. b. what’s your name? c. i don’t know you.

)2. 你的同学约你周日郊游,你很赞同,该怎么说?

a. sorryb. thank you. c. great!

)3. 当同学夸你自行车漂亮时,你应该怎么回答?

a. you’re welcome. b. don’t say that. c. thank you.

)4. 有一个外国人向你询问去公园的路,你告诉他后,他说:“thank you.”你应该用英语怎么回答?

a. i’m sorry. b. excuse me. c. hello

)5. 当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,你应该说:

a. what do you like best? b.

what are you looking for? c. would you like a cup of tea?

)6. 当你有事问别人,应该先说:

a. i’m sorry. b. excuse me. c. hello.

)7. 当你没听清别人说话时,你应该用英语说:

a. sorry, what’s this? b. pardon? c. which do you want?

)8.. 当你想知道别人会不会骑车时,你应该说:

a. can you ride a bike? b. can you make a bike? c. can you ride a horse?

)9. 当你想知道钢笔放在哪时,你应该说:

a. where is the eraser? b. where is the pen? c. where is it from?

)10. 当你最喜欢那辆红色汽车时,你应该说:

a. i h**e a red car. b. i like the red car best. c. i’m looking for a red car.


)1. excuse me, is there a post office near herea. sure, here you are.

)2. can you pass me that blue knifeb. they are eleven yuan.

)3. what bus can i takec. yes, there is..

)4. how much are these thingsd. you can take the no. 3 bus.

)5. are you in grade twoe. yes, i am.


the same mother

lucy and lily are sisters. they are twins. they are in the same class.

lucy works harder and studies better than her sister lily. one day, the teacher asks the class to write a composition (作文). the name of it was “my mother”.

lucy writes a composition and wants to give it to the teacher, but lily said, “lucy, let me h**e a look.” lily reads it and copies (抄)it.


2018 2019学年邢台市第二十七中学小学部。六年级毕业英语试题。姓名 班级 分数 听力部分 30分 一 听录音,圈出每题中你所听到的字母。每小题2分,共10分 1.b e t 2.m n s d p k z y z 二 听录音,给词汇排序。每小题2分,共10分 a.look up b.went ...


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