
发布 2021-04-27 19:34:28 阅读 6746

unit 1 welcome to my new home!

2. there is/ are …in/on… (某处有某物)

例句:there is a new computer in my bedroom. (我的卧室里有一个新电脑。)

there are two sofas and four armchairs in the living room. (客厅里有两个沙发和四个扶手椅。)

there are three kites and a big clock on the wall. (墙上有三个风筝和一个大钟。)

there is a big clock and three kites on the wall. (墙上有一个大钟和三个风筝。)

tips: there be 句型的使用。

1) be 动词只能是is 或者are, 判断依据看be动词后面的名词是单数还是复数, 单数(一个)时,用is , 复数(两个或两个以上)时,用are.

2) 当be 动词后面有两种事物时,由与be动词最近的单词决定,英语中叫“就近原则”(参看例句的第三句和第四句)。

3. what’s in the living room? (客厅里有什么?)

4. will you come to my birthday party? (你会来我的生日聚会吗?)

i’d love to. (非常愿意。)

5. can you do some housework with me ? 你能和我做些家务吗?)

ok. /sure./yes. (当然。)

6. i’ll(will) make the bed and then wash the cups and mugs. (我将要整理床铺,然后洗茶杯和马克杯。)

7. what (else) can i do for you? (我(还)能为你做些什么?)

please hang the clock and the picture on the wall.(请把表和**挂在墙上。)

重点短语:1. look at/ h**e a look at (看一看) 2. a birthday gift (生日礼物)

3. in the bedroom (在卧室里) 4 on the wall/table(在墙/桌子上)

5. come into (进入)

重点动词短语:(要求能够正确听、说、认读, 不用会写)

6. do some housework (做些家务) 7. make the bed (整理床铺)

8 wash the cups/mugs (洗茶杯/马克杯) 9 clean the table/chairs (擦桌子/椅子)

10. mop the floor (墩地11 cover the computer (盖上电脑)

12 clean the windows (擦玻璃) 13. hang the clock/ picture (挂上表/**)

14. go to sleep (去睡觉) 15 watch tv(看电视) 16. cook my dinner(做饭。

17. h**e my dinner(吃饭)



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