
发布 2021-04-27 18:19:28 阅读 1738

there be 句型。

there be句型(可以用于多种时态中)的特殊用法:

1. 最基本的there be句式:

1)现在有:there is/are...

2)过去有:there was/were...

3)将来有:there will be...there is/are going to be...

4)现在已经有:there has/h**e been...

5)可能有:there might be...

6)肯定有:there must be...there must h**e been...

7)过去一直有:there used to be...

2.除be之外,seem, appear, happen, exist, stand, lie, go, follow, live, come, remain等也可以用于there be 结构中。另外can, may, must, should等表示猜测的情态动词也可以用于there be结构中。

there appears to be no doubt about the question.似乎这个问题没有疑问。

there seemed a ball under the tree.那棵树下好像有个球。

there followed an uncomfortable silence.接下来是很不舒服的沉静。

there happened to be a man walking by.碰巧有个人在此经过。

once upon a time, there lived a monk in the temple.从前,这座庙里有一个和尚。


1)there is no sense in doing做某事是没有用的,没有意义的。

2)there is no use/good doing sth做某事没有用。

3)there is no need to do sth没有必要做某事。

4)there is thought/said/reported to be人们认为有/据说有/据报道有。

5)there is no use/point in doing sth无用/没有用处。

there is no need to worry.没有必要担心。

there is no sense in ****** him angry.跟他生气是没有用的。


包括两种:there to be和there being


当作主语时,一般是there being结构,当句式中有for时,一般有there to be.

there being a shop here is a great advantage.这有个商店,真是方便极了。

it is impossible for there to be any more.不可能再有了。


做动词宾语时,一般用there to be结构。常见动词有expect, mean, intend, want, prefer等。当做介词宾语时,一般用there being结构,但当介词是for时一般用there to be句式。

this depended on there being a sudden change.这需要有一个突然的改变。

the teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence.老师在等着大家都安静下来。


用作状语的there be的形式通常用there being结构。

there being no buses, we had to walk home.由于没有公共汽车,我们不得不走着回家。

注意:如果句**现for时,应用there to be.

it was too late for there to be any buses.太晚了,没有公共汽车了。


there is a pen and ten books on the desk.桌子上有一支钢笔和十本书。

there are ten books and a pen on the desk.桌子上有十本书和一支钢笔。

6.在there be进行反意疑问时,反问部分的主语用there.

there are many children in the park, aren't there?公园里有很多孩子,是吗?

7.在there be引起的句子结构中,用来修饰主语的不定式主动形式和被动形式均可。

there is no time to lose(=to be lost).时间紧迫。

there is nothing to see(=to be seen)看不见有什么。

there is nothing to do(=to be done).无事可做。


一 there be 句型基本认识。1 定义 2 结构 注意事项 看例句如 a.there is a book on the desk b.there are many chairs in the classroom c.there is much water in the bottle d.the...


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问路与指路须知。一 问路常用句型。在问路之前,我们一般要先说上一句excuse me以示礼貌,然后再问路。如 1.excuse there a hospital near here?打扰一下,这附近有医院吗?2.excuse me.could you tell me the way to...