
发布 2021-04-26 22:57:28 阅读 8329

unit 10 i'm going to be a basketball player.

一 . 话题](topic) life goals

二。 [重点词组](key phrases)

1.遍及全世界 all over the world

2.举办艺术展览 hold art exhibitions

3.听起来像 sound like

4.时装表演 fashion show

5.搬到某地 move to

6.与某人联络 communicate with

7.有意思的地方 somewhere interesting

8.攒钱 s**e money

9.同时 at the same time

10.写文章 write articles

11.学习演奏一种乐器 learn to play an instrument

12.取得好成绩 get good grades

13.吃更健康的食品 eat healthier food

14.得到很多锻炼 get lots of exercises

15.听起来有趣 sound interesting

16.努力学习 work hard

17.学一种新语言 learn a new language

18.保持健康 keep fit

19.不得不 h**e to

20.作为一名外语教师 as a foreign language teacher

三 .[交际用语]

1. what are you going to be when you grow up?

2. i’m going to be a programmer.

3. how are you going to do that?

4. i’m going to study computer science.

四。 [重点难点释义](language points)

1. be going to句型。

be going to+动词原形”表示将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做某事。常与表示将来的时间连用。tomorrow,tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening,this evening,next week/month/year等。


i am going to h**e a swim tomorrow.我打算明天去游泳。

they aren't going to h**e any lessons next week.他们下星期不上课。

is li lei going to play basketball after school?李雷打算放学后去打篮球吗?

where are you going to meet?你们打算在哪儿见面?

on the road outside the school gate.在校门口的马路上。

be going to与will

1)be going to与will都可以用来表示意图,有时两者可以互相替换。如:

i am going to(或will)play football this afternoon.今天下午我将踢足球。

2)但是含有意图的程度有强弱之分,如果事先经过考虑做某事,就得用be going to表示,不用will。如:

tom has just borrowed an axe;he is going to chop some wood.汤姆刚借来斧子,他要劈些木柴。

3)反之,如果不是事先考虑做某事,就得用will,而不是用be going to,这种用will 的场合多见于会话时乙方听了甲方的话之后所作的反应。如:

a:sorry,i forgot to post the letter for you.对不起,我忘了替你寄这封信。

b:never mind,i will post it myself tonight.不要紧,今晚我自己去寄。

4)be going to和will也可用于表示**,前者表示根据目前迹象,事情非常有可能发生;后者则表示说话者认为或相信会发生某事。如:

look at those clouds!it's going to rain.瞧那些云吧,快下雨了。

i think it will rain.我认为会下雨。

5)以下几种情况用will,不宜用be going to:


we will help him if he asks us.只要他提出,我们乐意帮助他。


will you please lend me your eraser?请把你的橡皮借给我好吗?


the sun will rise at 6:30 tomorrow morning.明天早晨太阳将在六点三十分升起。

2. what are you going to be when you grow up?

1)这是一个be going to用于特殊疑问句的句子,be going to用于疑问句中将be放在主语前。如:

are you going to hike to the top of the mountain?你们要徒步登上山顶吗?

when are you going to start?你们什么时候出发?

be going to表示将要发生的动作,含有“计划,打算”的意思,后跟动词原形。常跟表将来的时间连用。诸如:

next sunday下星期天,next month下个月,next year明年等。如:

i'm going to play football this afternoon.我打算今天下午踢足球。

i'm not going to swim this sunday.这个星期天我不打算去游泳。

2)grow up 指人或动物长大;成年;成熟。如:

she's growing up fast.她长得很快。

a close friendship gradually grew up between them.他们之间的友谊日益亲密。

3. when i grow up, i’m going to do what i want to do.


when i grow up是由 when 引导的一个时间状语从句。

when : 当 … 的时候; 什么时候。

when peter grows up, he wants to be an engineer.


--when did you come hereyesterday afternoon.

-- 你什么时候来的昨天下午。

4. i’m going to move somewhere interesting.


★ move v.


who has moved my book? 谁动我的书了?

who moved my cheese is a popular book.



that car was really moving. 那汽车跑得可真快。

3.搬家。we're going to move next week. 我们打算下周搬家。

★somewhere interesting 某个有意思的地方。

somewhere为不定代词,形容词修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词的后面。类似的不定代词还有: something, anything, nothing, anywhere, nowhere

there’s nothing interesting in this book. 这本书里没什么有意思的东西。

sounds like a city that i could enjoy.巴黎听起来像是我喜欢的城市。

1)sound like“听起来像”,sound作连系动词用,like是介词,作表语。如:

that sounds like a good idea.听起来是一个好主意。

2)that i could enjoy是定语从句修饰city,that为关系代词,在从句中担任动词宾语,可以省去。如:

i h**e a beautiful skirt(that)i like very much.我有一条漂亮的裙子,我非常喜欢。

h**e lots of fashion shows there. 他们哪儿有很多的时装表演。

表示许多的词还有:a lot of, many, much,

many 修饰可数名词

a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。

(lots of 和 a lot of用法类似 )

much 修饰不可数名词。

a lot (许多) 一般用来修饰动词,而不能修饰名词。

he has a lot of money他有许多钱。

my grandfather collects a lot of stamps. 我爷爷收集了很多邮票。

i h**e many friends in beijing. 我在北京有很多朋友。


八年级上英语教案第46课时。unit 10 i m going to be a basketball 一。教材分析 本单元主要学习一些有关职业的英文表达方式,用be going to表示将来谈论自己与他人未来想从事的职业及原因。二。教学目标 1 学习一些有关职业的英文表达方式 2 谈论自己与他人为实...


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