
发布 2021-04-18 22:43:28 阅读 9117



英语试卷。命题人:王莹熠考试时间: 100分钟卷面分值:100 分)


第ⅰ卷(选择题共 65分)

听力部分(共 15 分)

. **理解(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)



abcabcii. 情景反应(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)


)6. a. it’s for usb. i saw it just now. c. because it’s interesting.

)7. a. last monthb. to beijingc. with their friends.

)8. a. in the morning. b. in the parkc. once a day.

)9. a. emilyb. yes, emily does. c. emily is shy.

)10. a. it’s a new radio. b. 89.3 fmc. i h**e a radio.

iii. 短文理解 (共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)


)11. where is kate now?

a. in hong kongb. in shanghai. c. in guangzhou.

)12. when will kate move to wuhan?

a. next weekb. next month. c. next year.

)13. how did kate feel these days?

a. tired but happyb. tired and sad. c. worried and bored.

)14. what does sally look like?

a. she is short and has a small mouth. b. she is thin and has big eyes.

c. she is tall and has big eyes.

)15. what is kate planning to do this summer vacation?

a. to study in shanghaib. to visit sally in shanghai

c. to visit hong kong with sally.

语言知识运用部分(共 50分)

. 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)

)16. —do you like sports?

yes, i do. i like playing __basketball, but my sister likes playing __piano.

ab. /the c. the; the d. the; /

)17. my brother often goes online to find some new __

a. information b. moneyc. movie d. book

)18. —did you go on vacation? —no, i stayed at home.

a. somewhere interestingb. anywhere interesting

c. interesting somewhered. interesting anywhere

)19the morning of september 8th, many visitors arrived___the train station for a tour.

a. in; at b. on; to c. in; ind. on; at

)20do you watch your f**orite program?

only three times a month.

a. how long b. how many times c. how much d. how often

)21. mark read the article __to find the answer to the question.

a. carefully b. beautifully c. clearly d. loudly

)22. don’t only think of yourself. you should __the people around you.

a. look for b. talk about c. wait for d. care about

)23. —where is larry ? he __be in his room, but i’m not sure.

a. should b. might c. must d. need

)24. sam __twice a week now, so he is healthy.

a. exercise b. exercises c. is exercising d. exercised

)25. i really enjoy __with my grandparents in the countryside, so i decided __there this summer holiday.

a. living; going b. living; to go c. to live; going d. to live; to go

)26. which one isfootball, baseball or basketball?

a. more popular b. most popular c. popular d. the most popular

)27. kathy and peter are from america, but __of them are interested in beijing opera.

a. allb. bothc. neitherd. either

)28. it’s importantusenglish well.

a. of; learning b. for; to learn c. of; to learn d. for; learning

)29. news it is! nobody believes it.

a. what a surprising b. what surprising

c. how surprising d. how surprising a

)30. —nelly, can you tell meyes. she lives in georgetown.

a. where does your cousin live b. where your cousin lives

c. where did your cousin live d. where your cousin lived

. 情景交际(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)


a b )31. what do you usually do on weekendsa. everything tastes delicious.

)32. how was the food in that restaurantb. yes, she does.

)33. which do you like better, tea or coffeec. i can’t stand them.


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