
发布 2021-04-18 22:44:28 阅读 3839




从下列a 、b、c、d四个选项中找出划线部分读音不同的单词选项,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题一分,共计5分)。

1. a .hot b. lost c .lock d. close

.doctor b. sport c. forget d. actor

complete b .these c .bed d. she

school b .chalk c .choose d. teach

advice b. br**e c. around d. about


part a:词汇。从下列a 、b、c三个选项中选出一个与句子划线部分意思相近的选项或在空白处填入最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计10分)。

needn’t hurry. we h**e plenty of time.

a. little b. a little c. much

didn’t go to the concert because i was preparing for the job interview.

a. looking for b. getting ready for c. waiting for

don’t feel like going out. i prefer to stay at home .

a. would rather b. had better c. h**e to

9. how about going swimming this afternoon?

a. what about b. what for c. what with

was raining hard when i got home yesterday.

a. lightly b .hardly c. he**ily

___a bad headache and couldn’t sleep last light.

a. got b. took c. made

class was over. i went home

a. carefully b. clearly c. immediately

must be off. it is latei h**e a bad cold.

a. besides b. however c .otherwise

h**e made up my __to study hard.

a. heart b. head c. mind

mother __me when i was ill.

a. looked after b. went through c. put up

part b:词法知识。从下列a 、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳选项填入空白处,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计20分)

16.__party held last weekend was a success.

a. the b. ac.不填。

17of the population in the city come from other provinces.

a. two fifths b. two fifth c. second fifths

18.-shall i type the report for you?

-no, you___

a. can’t b .might not c. needn’t

19. i won’t believe such a thing __i see it with my own eyes.

a. if b. unless c. as

20. i __tv when the telephone rang.

a. was watching b. had watched c. would watch

21. the old man has two sons. one is a doctora teacher.

a. other b. the other c. another

22. now there are manyin primary schools.

a. women teacher b. woman teachers c. women teachers

23. fuzhou iscity in fujian.

a. the biggest b. a bigger c. the bigger

24. the taxi driverfor returning the wallet to the passenger.

a. praised b. was praised c. was praising

25. he was __angry that he left the office without saying a word.

a. such b. too c. so

26.__interesting it is to swim in summer﹗

a. how b. what c. whether

27. your mother is sleepingsuch a noise﹗

a. not make b. don’t make c. make not

28. it is careless __so many mistakes.

a. for you make b. of you ****** c. of you to make

ming does __in english.

a. good b. well c. nice

30. mr wang is my good friend. we __each other since 2005.

a. knew b. h**e known c. had known

31. no sooner had i got home __it started to rain.

a. than b. after c. since

32. do you remember __you saw last night?

a. how b. what c. that

33. the boy __to the teacher is our monitor.

a. speaks b. speak c. speaking

auntin shanghai. i __to see her this weekend.

a. lives; am going b. live; go c. live; am going

i passed the classroom. i saw him __his homework.

a. doing b. does c. did


part a:从下列a 、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳选项完成简短对话,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计10分)

36. speaker a: hello, tang hua﹗how was your vacation?

speaker b

a. thank you very much b. i went to harbin with my parents c. it was interesting but tiring

37. speaker a: would you like to h**e dinner with me tonight/

speaker b

a. fine, it’s very kind of you b. yes, nice meeting you c. don’t mention it

38. speaker a

speaker b: well, i can speak fluent french and japanese.

a. what do you do every day ? b. what foreign language can you speak?

c. what do you think of english?

39. speaker a: how did you go to beijing?

speaker b

a. three times b. by train c. quite beautiful

40. speaker a: i’d like to go boating this sundaybaobao?


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