
发布 2021-04-17 12:45:28 阅读 8189





一)对话操练(dialogue acting—ask ss to act out some dialogues about shall we …?why not… ?let’s…, ok?

?what about … excuse me. can you tell me where’s the nearest….

,please ? etc.通过上述操练让学生对所学的词汇和句型有所回忆,为以下的进一步复习打下基础。


一. 问候:

与英美人士见面时切忌问对方的家庭、子女、职业、 婚姻、年龄、工资等。因为这是他们的隐私 。不要谈论对方不开心或尴尬的事情如;失业、离异、考试不及格、身体发胖、瘦等。

中国人见面时。一般问:where are you going /h**e you had your breakfast 而西方人则说hello!

/hi, how are you ?/good moring /glad to see you .不要明知故问,看见别人在做某事是,则用 hello!

/hi!/can i help you ?/why not h**e a rest?


问路前先道一声“excuse me”显得比较礼貌。对方指路时,假如没有听懂,可以说/pardon?/excuse me.

/would you say it again?恳求对方说一次。


excuse me,how can i get to/reach the hospital?

excuse me,which is the way to the hospital?

excuse me,where is the hospital,please?

excuse me ,could you tell/show me the way to the hospital?

excuse me,could you tell me how i can get to the hospital?

excuse me,could you tell me how to get to the hospital?

excuse me ,is there a hospital near here?(yes,there is./no,there isn’t)

is this the right way to the bookshop?/does this/the bus go to the bookshop?


walk along this road, and take the first turning on the right .

go/walk down the street, and turn right at the first turning.

go down this street and you can see it./go along this street and turn left.

it’s over there./it’s not far from here.

go straiight along the road to the traffic left.

it’s between the post office and the hospital, you cann’t miss it./don’t miss it.

go across the bridge , you ‘ll find the museum on the left.

go on /walk on until you reach the end of the road ,you’ll find the park in front of you.


how far is the hospital (from here)?

how far is it from a to b?

how far away is the hospital?

how many metres (kilometres) is it from here to the hospital?


it’s +距离。

it’s only a few kilometres./it’s half an hour’s walk (from here to --

the hospital is about half an hour’s ride by bike/by car..


you ‘d better take a bus there.

what shall i take to there?

can i take a bus to get there?

which bus shall i take( to get to --

bus no.4 will take you to get to --


thank you /thanks /thank you very much./thanks a lot.

thank you all the same .

i’m sorry, i don’t know the way, either. you ‘d better go and ask the policeman over there.

i ‘m not sure./sorry i’m new here ,too.


1. 想找某人听**常用:

hello! may/could i speak to sb(lucy) ,please?

i would like to speak to sb (lucy).

2. 如果要找的人刚好是接**的人,常会说:


3 如果要找的人在附近。接**者需要时间帮你叫来,需要你稍等一下,常会说:

hold on for a moment, please.

hold on, please.

4. 如要找的人不在或外出了常用:

sorry, she/he isn’t here right now.

i’m sorry, she/he isn’t in.

i’m afraid, she/he is out.

5. 接**者自我介绍常用:(不可用i am/i’m --

this is lucy (sb) speaking.

lucy (sb) speaking.

lucy here.

6. 接**者询问对方是谁常用:(不可用are you

who’s that speaking?

who’s calling?

7. 询问对方是否留言常用:

can i take a message for you/

will/would you please give a message to him?

can i take a message ?

can you take a message for me ?

8. 打错**时,接**者常会说:

you h**e got the wrong number.

四: 购物。

1. 购物常会以售货员向顾客打招呼为开始:

what can i do for you?

can/may i help you?


i want to buy sth ( for sb).

i am looking for sth(a pair of shoes).

i want/would like sth (a pair of shoes)

i’d like sth.

i just h**e a look.

2. 售货员询问顾客要什么种类,款式,颜色,号码时常用:

what size do you want?

what colour do you want?

what kind /what kind of clothes do you want/like?

what style do you want/prefer?

3 顾客如果对当前的物品不满意。要求售货员提供其他的种类,款式,颜色,号码时常用:

do you h**e any other size/colour/kind/style?

do you h**e any cheaper ones?

h**e you got a bigger size?

h**e you got anything a bit longer?

h**e you got a longer one /any longer ones?

4 询问顾客对物品的看法:

how do you like this (one)?what do you think of this (one)/this pair?

what about/how about the colour/the size/the style?

5 顾客表达对物品的看法:

i think it’s nice/it is nice.

i don’t think it’s nice.

i like it/them.(but)--

it looks a bit large/long/short.

6 询问价钱 :

how much is it/are they?

how much does it/do they cost?

what is the price of it/名词?

讨价:that’s much too dear/expensive,i ‘m afraid.

they cost too much. can they be cheaper?


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