初二英语教案 下册

发布 2021-04-17 12:41:28 阅读 8035

unit 1 will people h**e robots?

section a (1a--2c)

learning aim:

learn how to make prediction.

teaching procedure

step 1: daily greeting<1’>

show“learning aim” to the students.

step 2: learn the following conversations<10’>

will there be less pollution?

yes, there will./ no, there won’t.

will there be fewer trees?

yes, there will./ no, there won’t.

step 3: practice the conversations above in groups<10’>

then ask some students to act the conversations out.

step 4: practice the listening<5’>

1. finish 1b , 2a and 2b.

2. check the answers.

step 5: exercise 1:用所给词的适当形式填空<4’>

1. there___not be) english classes tomorrow.

2. do you think there will be __few) cars and more buses in 50 years.

3. i hope there will be less __pollute) in the future.

4. ann, please get up and __dress) quickly.

difficult for robots __think) like humans.

2. 汉译英<15’>



2.将会有更少的树吗?是的, 会有。

3. 孩子们将不用上学。


教后记:section a (3a--4)

learning aim:


step 1: daily greetings. show“learning aim” to the students. <1’>

step2: learn and compare the differences<10’>

step 3: work in groups and finish 3a<5’>

step 4: check the answers.

step 5: practice the following conversations in groups.

what do you think sally will be in five years.

i think she will be a …

what sport will she play?

she will play<5’>

step 6: finish 3c by themselves and check in groups<5’>.

step 7: read and recite the following sentences.

then write them down on the exercise books<14’>

1. 五年前他是一个高中生。

2. 现在他在大学。

3. 五年后, 他将成为一名医生。

4. 你认为sally 将来会做什么?

5. 我认为她将成为一名教师。

6. 她将做什么运动?她将打篮球。

教后记:section b (1a—2c)

learning aims:

1、improve listening skills.

2、recite some important sentences.

step 1: daily greetings. show the learning aims to the students. <1’>

step2: look at 1a and fill in the blanks. then check the answers. <5’>

step 3: work in groups and finish 1b<2’>

step 4: listen to the tape and finish 2a, 2b<12’>

let the students listen twice.

then check the answer

step5: listen and repeat for twice .

step 7: learn the following conversations<6’>

-where do you live?

i live in…

where did you live…?

i lived in…

where will you live?

i will live in…

step 6: please do exercises.

recite the following sentences. <10’>

1. 我住在公寓里。

2. 两年前我做火车上学。

3. 我是一个电脑程序设计师。

4. 我将成为一名宇航员。

5. 我将乘坐火箭飞向月球。

教后记:unit 1 section b (3a—4)

learning aims:

1. learn and understand 3a

2. recite some important sentences.

teaching procedure:

step 1: daily greetings.

step 2: show the learning aims to the students.

step 3: task one

read 3a aloud again and answer the following questions.

1. what do you think ming will be in ten years?

2. will ming keep a dog ?

please find these answers within 4 minutes.

then check the answers.

step 4: task two<8’>

read 3a silently and finish the chart. then check the answers.

step 5: task three<6’>

read 3a again and find out difficult points. discuss in groups.

help them if necessary.

点拨:①fell in love with

in+ 一段时间 ③alone/lonely.

keep a petevery day/ every-day

wear/dress/in/put on

then listen to the tape.

step 6: task four<5’>

please finish 3b within 4 minutes.

step 7: class exercises

please recite the following sentences<20’>

1. 十年后,我将成为一名老师。

2. 去年我去了上海并爱上了这里。

3. 我甚至会养一只宠物鹦鹉。

4. 在工作日我会穿得很干练。周末我会随意一些。

教后记:unit 1 reading

learning aims:

1. understand section 2..

2. mater some important phrases

teaching procedure:

step 1: daily greetings.

step2: show the learning aim to the students<1’>

step 3: task one<6’>

read section 2 aloud and answer the following questions.


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