
发布 2021-04-17 10:02:28 阅读 9158

秋颂(to autumn)


step1激趣热身 greetings and warming up:

sing the song: row, row, row your boat .

step2 导入leading:



show the pictures about seasons ,let ss talk about their f**ourite seasons. then tell them the topic is :to autumn .

show the pictures of autumn and ss describe the pictures. you can let them do it step by step: we can see___in autumn.

we can wearandin autumn. we can doandin autumn. i feelwhen iso autumn is a(nseason for me.

step 3 practise


let the ss fill in the blanks by themselves , then read to their partners, they can help each other, and everybody choose their best part, make the passage into a perfect composition in their groups. they can show their compositions in the class .

step 4 show


the ss can show their compositions in the class . you can let them enjoy the good writings with music and pictures.

step 5 homework.


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