
发布 2021-04-16 15:26:28 阅读 4509

1please don't be shy请不要害羞。

2don't be afraid别害怕。

3please speak with a loud voice请大点声发言。

4try to speak as mouch as possible要尽量多说。

5you should remember that practice makes perfect.你要牢记哦!孰能生巧。

6always try to answer in a full sentence. 尽量使用完整句式回答。

7it's better to talk only in english during the class.课堂上最好仅用英语表达。

8talk a lot with the native english teacher. 多与母语为英语的老师交谈。

1i can't hear you我听不清。

2please speak loudly别害怕。

3could you speak louder请大声点儿发言。

4would you speak more clearly能否说清楚些。

5can you say it again你能再说一遍吗6again .what did you say你刚下说什么?请再说一遍。

1what is it that you want to say你想表达什么内容

2repeat after me请跟我重复

3how do you say "你好" in english你好”用英语怎么说。

4i like your gesture when you speak我喜欢你发言时的收拾。

5i like your facial expression when you talk. 我喜欢你发言是的表情。

6your are a good speaker你是个优秀的演说家

7you speak english really well你的英语说的非常棒。

8you are very fluent你说的非常流利。

9your pronunciation is clear ,too你的发音很清晰。

1let's look at the dialogue in our textbook. 我们来看看课本上的对话。

2let's practic the dialogue我们来练习对话。

3speak after the cd跟着cd念。

4practice in pairs连个人一组练习。

5memorize the patterns背诵这些句型。

6keep practicing until you memorize it. 一直联系到记住为止

7please repeat these expressions 10 times each. 请将这些词组每个重复十遍。

8use all the patten to make similar sentences. 请用该句型造类似句子。

9please talk freely请自由交谈。

10get to know each other through free conversation.请通过自有对话了解对方。

1any topic will do任何话题都可以。

2talk in pairs两人一组讨论。

3don't speak chinese ,speak in english only . 不要用中文,只能用英文表达。

4if you don't know the english words,please ask me. 如果有不会的单词,请来问我。

5use these questions to make a conversation. 用这些问题来编一个对话。

准备讨论。1we'll h**e a discussion now现在我来一个讨论。

进行讨论。2please begin the discussion请开始讨论。

3what's your position你的立场是什么。

4why do you think so你为什么这么想。

5you must h**e a reason for your opinion. 你必须为自己的观点找出理由。

6it's impossible to cut in when another person is talking. 在别人发言时,打断是不礼貌的。

7please summarize your point请总结一下你的观点。

8would you like to add something to that? 你还想补充些什么吗?

1how do you write a good essay?怎么才能写好一篇文章?

2it is important to make a structure .拟定提纲很重要。充分利用你所知道的词组。

3try to use of all the expressions you know .

4write english diaries to improve writing skills .通过写英语日记来提高写作技巧。

5your handwriting is good你的笔记很漂亮。

6collect data for your essay .为你的文章收集资料。

1who can tell me why we h**e to learn vocabulary?谁能告诉我为什么要学习词汇?

2all sentence are made up of words .所有的句子都是由单词构成的。

3even though your grammar is good ,you'll h**e different if you h**e 4poor vocabulary .即使你的语法很棒,如果你的词汇量不够,你也会遇到困难。

5try to learn more than five words a day .每天尽量学会五个单词。

6let's learn the new words .我们来学习生词吧。

7i'll write all the new words on the blackboard .我会把所有的生词写在黑板上。

8tell me if there's any word that you don't know.如果有不认识的单词请告诉我。

9how do you read this word ?你怎么读这个单词?

10how do you pronounce it ?这个词,你怎么发音?

11can you say it ?你能念出来吗?

12call out its spelling .大声说出他的拼写形式。

13please spell out the word .请拼写出这个单词。

14what do you when h**e difficult words ?遇到难词的时候,你该怎么办。

15you can look up in a dictionary .你可以查阅字典。

16you may use your call phones.你可以用手机。

17memorize them.把单词背下来。

18please memorize the words you h**e learned today .请把今天多学的单词背下来。

19please writs the words 10 times.请把单词写10遍。

20these two words h**e a similar meaning.这两个词有着相似的含义。

1why do we h**e to learn grammar ?我么为什么要学语法?

2what is grammar ?什么是语法?

3one is the definite article ,and the other is the definite article.一种是不定冠词,一种是定冠词。

元音前用“an” use “an” in front of a vowel.

4let`s learn how to make plural forms.我们来学习如何变化复数形式。

5they are interrogative sentences.这些都是疑问句。

6how many tense with arrows here.你认为英语有几种时态?




关于应用类信件。各类信件的基本书写概念。1.认为,主张 argue,maintain,hold,believe 2.考虑 take sth.into consideration,consider,ponder,meditate,contemplate,think over,reflect on up...


考研英语写作指导 三阶段法实现高分突破。随着考研报名工作的即将启动,2011考研备考正式进入倒计时。英语作文往往是历年考生们丢分现象严重的一块,因为作文是考生英语综合能力和水平的体现,所以不是凭着考前几天记模板 背范文就能提高的。2011年的英语大纲和2010年相比没有任何变化。写作部分一如既往地分...