
发布 2021-04-12 00:42:28 阅读 9607

lesson 4

一。 词汇---动物。

二。 短语。


1. 我认为按时吃药是很必要的。

i thinktoon time.

2. 从现在起, 你们要一直传球。

fromyou mustthe ball.

3. 当我到收银台时, 发现我把钱包丢在家里了。

when i got to thei realizedmy at home.

4. 她感觉好像他们在经历海上风暴。

she feltthey were in a storm

5. 我忙于阅读一本**, 结果忘了看时间。

i was busya noveli forgot to look at the time.

6. 在那场交通事故中, 没有人伤得太重。

no onein the traffic accident.

7. 他没有到达珠穆朗玛峰山顶。

he hadthe top of mount qomolangma.

8. 警官在寻找鹦鹉住的笼子。

the inspectorthe cage that the parrot

9. 我们都开始生李莉的气。

we are all to getli li.

10. 他坐在那儿, 一小时接一小时地看电视。

he sat there, watching tv


turn to page and take a look at the picture on it.(2016)

a. the eightieth b. eightieth c. eighties d. eighty

2. i live in room 403. sam lives in the room right above mine, on the floor.(2015)

a. thirdb. three c. fifthd. five

3. it's never too old to learn. karl marx began to learn english in his .(2014)

a. the fiftieth b. fiftieth c. fiftyd. fifties

4. —excuse me, sir. here’s a package for lin tao. which room does he live in?(2013)

a.308 roomb. room 308

c. the room 308d. the 308 room

5.—how was your weekend?

great! it was my grandfather’s birthday. we enjoyed ourselves.(2012)

a. seventyb. seventiet c. the seventieth

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