
发布 2021-04-10 09:38:28 阅读 3241


excuse me.对不起。

pardon?对不起,请您再说一遍好吗?i’m very sorry.非常抱歉。thank you.谢谢。


i’m sorry to hear that. i hope you will get better soon.听到这个我很遗憾,我希望您很快会好起来。

i’m sorry to hear that. take it easy today.听到这个我很遗憾,今天您可别着急。◆客人碰到意外时:

i hope you did not hurt yourself.我希望您没有受伤。are you hurt?

/did you hurt yourself?您伤着没有?◆离开客人时:

h**e a nice day.祝您今天过得愉快。h**e a good weekend.祝您周末快乐。◆当客人要什么东西时:

certainly, sir. if you can excuse me, i’ll fetch it.好的,先生。如果您能允许我离开的话,我去把它拿来。

yes, sir. it’s no problem.好的,先生。这不成问题。here you are, sir.这儿就是,先生。

just a moment, please, miss. i’ll go and get it right away.小姐,请稍候片刻。我马上给您去拿来。

immediately, madam.夫人,我马上去拿来。

sorry to h**e kept you waiting.很抱歉让您久等了。◆给客人让路时:

after you/ you first, madam/sir.夫人/先生,您先请◆推小车或提重物经过客人身旁时:excuse me, madam.请原谅,夫人。

could you please make way, madam?可不可以请您让让路,夫人?may i come through, please?


thank you, madam.谢谢您,夫人。

上菜或斟酒时不得不向客人俯下身去或不得不在外宾面前通过时:excuse me, please.请原谅。偶然碰撞客人时:

i beg your pardon.请您原谅。


certainly, sir/madam. let me help you.当然可以,先生。

让我来帮您。yes, sir. allow me.


go ahead, please. you’re welcome.请拿吧,您可以随意使用。

take mine, madam.请用我的,夫人。◆看见客人在搬椅子等或需要帮助时:

allow me, madam.请允许我帮您,夫人。let me take that, sir.


it’s very kind of you. i don’t know how to thank you properly. you really shouldn’t h**e.



thank you, but we are not allowed to drink on duty.谢谢,不能。上班时我们不允许喝酒。

thank you very much, but i can’t accept.十分感谢,不过我不能接受。◆当中断和客人的交谈时。

excuse me. i h**e to serve that guest.请原谅,我得去照料那位客人。

i’m sorry, sir, i’ve got to go . nice talking with you.很抱歉,先生,我必须走啦。和您谈话真令人愉快。

will you excuse me, please?抱歉。◆当外宾对你解释什么事情时:i see.我明白。

yes, i see.是的,我明白。如果同意他的话:

that’s true.确实这样。yes, exactly.完全如此。


really? how interesting!真的吗?多有趣。is that so?是那样的吗?


please take your time, sir, there’s no hurry.请慢慢来,先生。不用忙。

don’t worry, madam. we’ll see to it.不必担心,夫人。


don’t worry, sir. we’ll clean it up.不必担心,先生。我们会把它收拾干净的。◆当请客人签字,询问等而不得不打断他的谈话时:

excuse me, sir. may i h**e your room number?请原谅,先生,您的房间号码?

excuse me for interrupting.请原谅我打断您。

would you spare me a few minutes, please?我可以占用您一些时间吗?

may i speak to you for a moment, madam?我可以和您谈一会儿话吗,夫人?would you please sign this?


i’ll be with you in a moment, sir.我一会儿就来招呼您,先生。

i’m sorry, but i h**e to take each guest by turn, sir.很抱歉,我得按先后次序为顾客服务,先生。i’ll be with you as soon as possible.


thank you for telling us, madam. it won’t happen again. please accept our apologies.

i will let ourmanager know.


i’m really sorry,i’ll look into the matter right away. it won’t happen next time.很抱歉,我将立刻调查这件事,下次不会再发生了。


please follow me , sir .先生,请跟我来。

would you please come this way? it’s along here.请您这边走,好吗?那是在这儿。如果客人有跌倒的危险:

mind(watch) your step, sir.请当心,先生/走路小心,先生。

may i suggest you hold the rail? it’s very slippery, sir.请您扶好扶手。这儿很滑,先生。当领客人到目的地时:

here we are, room 1506. 1506号房间到啦。◆当服务完离开客人的房间或餐桌时:

will that be all, madam and sir?就这些吗,夫人,先生。

is there anything else i can do for you?我还能为您做些别的什么东西?


1 when you hear or meet something which is bad for the guest 听到或遇到对客人不利的事时。i m sorry to hear that.i hope you will be better soon 听到这个我很遗憾,我希望您很快会好起来。i...


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