
发布 2021-04-01 04:33:28 阅读 7186

操练口令 drills commands

预令 preparatory command

动令 command of execution

徒手操练 drills without arms

列队 on one rank (two ranks)

集合! fall in!

立正! attention

稍息! at ease!

向右看-齐! eyes right /right-dress /right and face!

向左看-齐! eye left /left-dress /left and face!

向中看齐!eye centre /centre-dress /centre and face!

向前-看! eyes- front!/front!

以中(左、右)翼为基准 guide centre!(left/ right)

以我为基准 guide on me

报数! count off!

点名! call the roll!roll call

到! here!

出来报告出席人数 report. /come out and report the number of the men present.

全到 all correct. /all present.

除。之外都到了 all present except...

..同学缺席 student(s) is(are) absent.

出列! out of rank(s)!

入列! take your post(s)!

立定! halt!

靠拢! close!

向左-转! left-face(left turn)!

向右-转! right-face(right turn)!

向后-转! about-face(about turn)!

齐步-走! forward- march(march off)!

踏步! mark time-march!

跑步-走! double (time)-march!

便步-走! at ease-march!

右转弯-走! right-wheel!

左转弯-走! left-wheel!

前进! advance!

取(拿)枪! take arms!

肩枪! shoulder arms!

枪放下! order arms!

卧到! down!

装子弹! load!

退子弹! unload!

射击! fire!

起立! get up (stand up)!

解散! dismiss!

用炮 prepare for action!

收炮 march order!

架炮 seat/mount gun!

置炮 lay gun!

就炮 take posts!

炮后集合 fall in in rear of piece!


1. squad – fall in

集队)2. attention

立正)3. stand at – ease

稍息)4. stand easy

休息)5. dressing in three ranks – right dress

向右看齐)6. eyes – front

向前看)7. open order – march

开排)8. close order – march

合排)9. move to the right in threes – right turn


10. move to the left in threes – left turn


11. move to the right – right turn


12. move to the left – left turn


13. squad will retire – about turn

向后转)14. squad will advance – about turn


15. squad will fall out – fall out

暂散)16. squad will dismiss – dismiss

解散)17. inclining at the halt – right incline

右半转)18. inclining at the halt – left incline

左半转)19. by the left – quick march

开步操)20. squad – halt

停步)21. saluting to the front – salute


22. saluting to the left – salute


23. saluting to the right – salute


24. by the right – eyes right


25. by the left – eyes left


26. eyes front

向前看)27. move to the left in threes – about turn


28. move to the right in threes – about turn


29. by the left – mark time

踏步)30. forward


fall in! 集合! eyes front!向前看! count off! 报数!

extend! 散开! halt ! 立定! at ease step!慢步走!

three steps forward march! 向前三步走! attention!立正!

stand at ease!稍息! dismiss!解散! close!靠拢!

quick march !快步走! ready ! set ! go!各就位, 预备,跑!


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