
发布 2021-03-12 01:32:28 阅读 4301

unit 8 jewelry store 教学设计。




该课时是根据《商务英语》 第八单元 “jewelry store ”而设计的一节课。本课主要讲述了一些有关珠宝类的英语单词和一篇购买珠宝的对话。



三、teaching goals 教学目标

1. knowledge goals 知识目标

a. 词汇和短语ring, bracelet, brooch, earring, necklace, pendant, gold ,silverpearl, jade, diamond, agate, ruby, emerald, sapphire, crystal, in fashion,h**e a look, craftsmanship, superb, exquisite, quality , natural, artificial.

b. 重点句子 can i help you ?

it’s worth the price.

2. ability goals能力目标。

communicate with the shop assistant in english at a store.


四、teaching important and difficult points 教学重点难点

1. remember the new words about jewelry and read the dialogue fluently.

2. learn the language points by heart.


词组“be made from/of”既是重点也是难点;“be of + 名词”是语言点中的难点。

五、teaching methods 教学方法

presentation, discussion and cooperative learning. 讲授法,讨论,团体合作学习。

六、teaching aids 教具准备

tape recorder and computer.

七、teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

step1. lead-in (导入)


do you like jewelry? why or why not?(你喜欢珠宝吗?为什么?)

step2. words and dialogue (单词和对话)





one sunday morning, rose comes to the cvik shopping center to buy some jewelry.

shop assistant: good afternoon, madam. can i help you?

rosei’d like to buy a gold ring.

shop assistant: this way, please . these rings are made of 18, and those are made of 24 karats gold.

rose: could you show me this ring in 24 karats?

shop assistant: certainly. the pattern is in fashion and the craftsmanship is superb.

rosei see. but can i h**e a look at that gold ring with green jade?

shop assistant: yes, madam. this ring is also of exquisite quality.

roseit’s very beautiful. is the jade natural or artificial?

shop assistant: it’s a precious natural green jade. that’s why the price is higher.

rose: all right. i’ll take this one. i think it’s worth the price.

step3. language points(知识点)

can i help you

1 . what can i do for you有什么需要帮忙的吗?

is there anything i can do for you?

2. this way, please. 这边请。

3. show : 出示、展示。

show sb. sth. :给某人展示某物。

eg. can you show me this ring in 24 karats?


show sb. around:带领某人参观……

eg:i will show you around my university. 我会带你参观我们的大学。

4. pattern: [ptn] 花样,型号,款式。

in fashion: 流行,正在流行。

in语: in是in fashion的简称,就是流行,处于时尚潮流尖端的意思。如:“幸福就是猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽。”

in的反义则是out,是out of fashion的简称,就是落伍的意思。比如,这样穿很in,那样穿很out。

out of fashion=out of style :过时,落伍。



pattern is in fashion and the craftsmanship is superb.


7. h**e a look:看一看。

h**e a walk:散步。

h**e a rest/break:休息一下。

h**e a good/nice time :玩的愉快。

h**e a try: 试一下。

8. jade [deid]:玉,翡翠。

exquisite [‘ekskwizit]: adj.完美的,精致的。

this ring is also of exquisite quality.


在“be of+名词”结构中,名词一般为普通名词,可以是可数的,也可以是不可数的。


team spirit is of importance.团队精神很重要。

team spirit is important .

don‘t throw anything that may be of use. 不要把任何有用的东西扔掉。

don't throw anything that may be useful.

9. natural [‘ntrl]:adj天然的,自然的。

nature [‘neit] n.大自然。

natural park:野生植物园。

artificial [,ti‘fil]:人造的,人工的。

10. precious[‘pres] adj.宝贵的, 珍贵。

11. worth [w:θ]adj.&n.值得;价值,财产。

eg. it’s worth the price. 物有所值。

be made of (看得见原材料)


be made from (看不见原材料)

the desk is made of wood.

the piece of ***** is made from wood.

be made in… 产地是……;由…地方制造。

eg: this watch is made in china . 这块表是中国制造的。

step4. 让学生做练习,巩固重点知识点。

step5. 讲解习题答案,师生一起**“趣味学英语”

advise[d'vaiz] vadvice [d‘vais] n.劝告, 忠告

黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿。 negroes heroes potatoes tomatoes

ambulance[‘mbjulns] n. 救护车 am (俺) +bu(不) +lance(能死)

ambition[m‘bin] n.雄心, 壮志 am(俺) +bi(必) +tion (胜)

restaurant [‘restrnt] n.饭店, 餐馆 rest(休息吧)+aur(我们的)+ant(蚂蚁)

step6. 听录音,分角色朗读对话。

step7. 小结。


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