
发布 2021-02-26 07:05:28 阅读 7285

unit 1爱学网(

who wish tofromtheexamination must notifythesecretary immediately.

a. resign 辞职; 放弃 b. remove 移动; 开除 c. suspend 延迟; 悬浮 d. withdraw 撤退; 离开

2. graduallytheballoonout and rose intotheair.

a. swelled 膨胀; 增大 b. expanded 扩大 c. stretched 伸展; 舒展 d. enlarged 扩大, 增大

3. when you take medicine, be carefulnottothat amount printed onthebottle.

a. exceed 超过; 胜过 b. substitute 代替 c. surpass 超越; 胜过; 优于 d. overcome 克服; 胜过。

politicalofour country is f**orable for foreign investments.

a. weather 天气; 处境 b. climate 气候; 思潮 c. temperature 温度 d. state 规定; 声明

5. our spokesman hasour position on this question.

a. verified 查实; 证实 b. certified 证明; 证实 c. testified 证明; 作证 d. clarified 阐明; 澄清。

6. a teacher should give attention to eachstudent in his class. a.

personal b. private c. own d.

individual kong ischinese.

a. popularly 普及地 b. regularly 有规律地 c. commonly 一般地 d. predominantly 主要地; 显著地

8. children feel that their parents donotgive enoughtotheproblemsofyoungpeople.

a. consent 同意; 一致 b. appeal 呼吁; 吸引力 c. affection 喜爱; 影响 d. recognition 识别; 承认

9. he wears a red hat to make himselfso as to arrestthedriver’s attention. a.

conspicuous 显著的 b. subconscious 潜意识的 c. ambiguous

10. anything you say will beand maybe used in evidence.

a. taken down 记下; 拿下 b. taken off 起飞; 脱下 c. taken at d. taken away 拿走; 解除

11. a helicopter is a very convenient meansoftransportation. it is able toand land vertically.

a. take away b. take off c. take up 拿起; 开始从事; 占据 d. take down

12. i cannot lend you any money because i stillone hundred dollars on that car.

a. charge 索价 b. owe 欠应给予 c. own 拥有; 承认 d. loan 借给

fromtheestate probablyabout $8,000 a year.

a. amounted to 相当于, 总计为 b. amounted 总计 c. added to 加入; 增加 d. added up 合计

14. sheher homework immediately after breakfast.

a. set aside 留出; 撤销 b. set off 出发; 引起 c. set back 推迟; 使受挫折 d. set about 着手; 开始做

15. i cannotmyself that she has already left.

a. remind 提醒; 使想起 b. convince 说服; 使确信 c. confirm 确认; 证实 d. convict 证明…有罪

16. they talked about their businessa cupoftea.

a. with b. for c. at d. over

man’s ruddy complexion g**e anofgood health.

a. idea 想法; 概念 b. fancy 幻想; 想象力 c. imagination 想象力 d. illusion 幻觉, 错觉

drinkhim afterthelong hoursofhard work.

a. reduced 减少 b. refreshed 使清凉 c. released 释放; 发布 d. recovered 恢复

19. when he enteredtheroom, he found that news*****s and magazines wereall overthefloor.

a. separated b. splashed 溅, 泼 c. spread 传播, 散步 d. scattered 分散; 散播

judge a man bythehe keeps.

a. company 公司; 同伴 b. companion 同伴; 朋友 c. companies 伙伴 d. companionship 友谊; 陪伴。

unit 2

违法ofmarijuanadoesnotpreventmanypeoplefrom using it. (legal 合法的)

2. he worked ambitiously 雄心勃勃地 to perfect his technical and improvisational skills. (ambition 野心; 抱负)

such discriminative 区别的, 歧视的 practices often go unnoticed. (discriminate 歧视; 区别)

4. henry ford was a persistent 固执的, 坚持的 individual who built oneofamerica’s largest industries. (persist 坚持; 持续)

5. becauseofthis low resistance 阻力; 反抗 to cold, they can be seriously damaged when temperatures drop below freezing. (resistant 抵抗的; 顽固的)

6. contamination 污染 inthewater and air can create serious health hazards. (contaminate 污染, 弄脏)

7. he was surprised to discover that his driver’s license was invalid 无效的 it had expiredtheprevious week. (valid 有效的, 有根据的)

aroundtheislands is fantastically 空想地; 难以置信地 clear, giving underwater swimmers a great viewoffish and rock formations. (fantasy 幻想; 空想)

program has strict requirements for its astronauts, specifically 特别地; 明确地 that they be in excellent physical and mental health. (specify 指定)

10. walt disney’s movies and cartoons h**e amused 逗笑 children and grown-ups since 1926. (amusement 消遣; 娱乐)

is so sudden as to seem magical 魔术的; 神奇的。 (magic 魔法; 戏法)

12. his parents were kept ignorant 忽视ofthefact that he failed intheexamination. (ignorance 忽视; 不知)

大学英语泛读 2 与答案

bumn 1 infml 口 esp brit part of the body on which one sits buttocks 屁股。2 wandering beggar tramp loafer 流浪乞丐 游民 盲流 闲荡者 bums sleeping rough in the stree...

大学英语泛读 4 教学大纲 1

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