英语泛读 1

发布 2021-02-26 06:59:28 阅读 3249


rationallyin a way based on reason rather than emotions 理性地,讲道理地。

establishedaccepted ;recognized 确定的。已制定的。已建立的。

variousdifferent 各种各样的,多方面的。

panicsudden fear 惊慌的,没有理由的;恐慌,惊慌。

consolidatestrengthen 巩固,使固定。加强。

assignmenthomework 分配;任务,功课,作业。

biologicalof living thing 生物的;物理学的。

flexiblenot fixed 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的。

strenuousstressful;requiring effort and energy 紧张的,费力的,奋发的,艰苦。

masteroverall 主人的;主要的;熟练的;硕士;教师;控制;精通。

recreationway of spending free time 娱乐,消遣;休养。

estimatecalculate roughly 估计,估价;判断,看法;估量;评价。

routineregular;usual 日常的;例行的。

priorityfirst concern 优先;优先权,优先考虑的事情。

relaxationrest 放松,缓和,消遣。

1\before playing the new game,__yourself with the rules.[familiar]

2\can you __how big this company will be in ten years' time?[visual]

3\she did not h**e to be so angry; i___asked her name.[mere]

4\don't __the situation.[ideal]

5\i don't know whether we still need to revise the plan; our boss is going to___it tonight.[final]

6\most people think that we h**e more natural resources than we need,but it is not___true[necessary]

7\there are people who are __strong but mentally weak.[physical]

8\tom is a good student; all his teachers speak __of him.[high]

unit2exaggeratesay more than the truth about something 夸大,夸张。

slangnonstandard vocabulary 俚语的,行话;用粗话说。

adaptmake or become suitable 使适应;改编。

insecureweak;uncertain;unprotected 不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的。

distinctdifferent;separate 明显的;独特的;清楚地;有区别的。

challengingdifficult,but in an interesting way 挑战的;要求;质疑;有挑战性的。

rangevary within limits 范围,幅度;山脉;归类于。

adjustchange slightly in order to make suitable 调整,使适应;校准;

aggressiveready for conflict 侵略性的;好斗的;

cope withdeal with 应付 ,成功应对,妥善处置;竞争;接近。

occurhappen 发生,出现;存在。

identitythe distinguishing character or personality of an individual 身份。

automaticself-acting;under its own power 自动的;无意识的;必然的。

distortiontwist; changing shape 变形;失真;扭曲。

reverseopposite; contrary 背面;相反;倒退;失败;

1\ 45 is __by 5.[divide]

2\ you must carry out your plan withdetermine]

3\ xiao li is a __friend. if he can help you, he will do his best. [friend]

4\ he smiled in __obviously he was very pleased with what he had done.[satisfy]

5\ theof compositions took a large part of the teacher's time.[correct]

6\ the __between mother and child is the closest in the world. [relate]

7\ although the black-and-white tv set is old-fashioned, it is stilluse]

8\ the picture is faded, but the people in it are stillrecognize]

unit3nomineecandidate 被任命者;被提名的人;代名人。

createmake; invent 创造; 造成。

starelook at for a long time 凝视;注视;盯着看。

reducedecrease; make less 减少,降低;把分解。

overhearaccidentally hear what others are saying 无意中听到的;偷听。

impressfill someone with admiration 印象;印记;特征;痕迹。

expensecost 损失,代价;消费;开支。

victimone who is harmed or killed 受害人;牺牲者。

大学英语泛读 1 教学大纲

通过泛读课的教学,使学生大量阅读政治 经济 军事 文化 科学 历史 地理 日常生活等领域的文章材料,巩固所学过的单词 短语 句式 句法等内容,促进精读 听说等科目的教学。增强对英语语言的感觉,体验英语语言的表达习惯,掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读理解能力和推断能力,加深对语言的整体认识。泛读教学内容广泛,阅...



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