
发布 2020-12-06 00:09:28 阅读 5284



1、copy the following (正确抄写字母)12%

a b c d e f f e d c b a

2、look and circle (圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母)10%

1. d ( a b d ) 2. f ( f e d ) 3. e ( d f e )

4. c ( e c a ) 5. b ( d a b )


)1、果汁 a. juice b. water c. coke

)2、公园 a. bin b. road c. park

)3、游泳 a. soup b. swim c. sweep

)4、妈妈 a. mother b. brother c. father

)5、跳舞 a. pizza b. dance c. run

4、look and tick(看中文,选句子)16%

1) 请吃一些面条。

a. h**e some noodles, please.

b. h**e some soup, please.

2) 我喜欢扫地。

a. i can sweep the floor.

b. i like to sweep the floor.

3) 我可以要些水吗。

a. may i h**e some water?

b. h**e some water.

4) 我住在上海。

a. i live in shanghai.

b. i love shanghai.

5) 来和我一起游泳吧。

a. come and sleep with me.

b. come and swim with me.

6) 当别人祝你生日快乐时,你应该说。

a. thank you.

b. all right.

7). 当别人问你看见了什么时,你可以对别人说。

a. i see a bird.

b. i like a bird.


a. clean the door, please.

b. clean the window, please.

5、read and choose (圈出不同类的词)10%

1. noodles desk pizza biscuit

2. juice water soup eat

3. dance soup run swim

4. apple bird cat dog

5. red sleep green yellow

6、中英互译 (20)







1、how are youa、he’s my brother.

2、clean the desk,pleaseb、i’m fine.

3、what is thisc、ok.

4、who is hed、yes,it is.

5、is this a peache、this is potatoe.


1. 请关窗。

a、clean the window, please.

b、close the window, please.

)2. 我喜欢西红柿。

a、i like tomatoesb、i like potatoes.

)3. 这是一张课桌。

a、this is a tableb、this is a desk.

)4. 它是红色的。

a、it’s redb、they are red.

)5. 我会清理地面。

a、i can clean the floor. b、i like clean the floor.


an apple

a table


a sofa


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