
发布 2020-11-26 11:11:28 阅读 2125


、read and write. 看**,选单词。(10%),

、translation. 英汉互译。(20%)


3.二个正方形4. 五个三角形。

5.一颗黄色的星星6. no circles

to lily8. his star

、fill in the blanks. 选词填空。(20%),

1. look at timeyes are big.

is lily. she has a picturepicture is small.

3is that? that’s miss liang.

4badge is this? it’s bill’s. his badge is blue.

5. isyour square? yes. this is my square.

6is the post office. it’s over there.

7. there are three ********s. theyyellow.

8. thislisa’s picture. it has two squares.

9. is this your pictureit isn’t.

10. is this bob’s pictureit is.

、multiple choice. 单项选择。(10%)

)1. whose picture is this? it’s

a. bobs’ b. bob c. bob’s

)2. this is lily’s picturepicture has two ********s .

a. her b. his c. she

)3. tim’s picture has three circles __five squares.

a. has b. and c. are

)4. i can see ten ********s. they __green.

a. h**e b. is c. are

)5. we __no circles.

a. has b. are c. h**e

、make sentences with the words given. 连词成句,注意开头字母大写及标点符号。(20%)

1. is where candy

2. this whose issquare (

3. this please to sue give

4. circle it’s his (

5. pat’s is picture this

6. can i two squares see (

7. has picture his two circles

8. her is star yellow (

9. help let me you (

10. squares h**e no we (

、choose the best expressions. 根据情景,选择最佳答案10%)

)1. 你想表达你可以帮助别人,可以说:

a. i can help you. b. let you help me.


a. who has a hat? b. whose hat is this?

)3.你想问这是tim 的图画吗,可以问:

a. is that tim’s picture? b. is this tim’s picture?

)4. 你想叫别人帮你把这幅图画给sue, 可以说:

a. please give this picture to me. b. please give this picture to sue.

)5. 你想打扰别人一下,应该说:

a. excuse me. b. thank you!

、reading. 阅读短文,判断正误,正确写t,错误写f。(10%)

this is an art lesson(课). we draw pictures. lily’s picture is big.

it has two squares and three stars. pat’s picture is on the desk. it has five stars.

they are orange. ken’s picture is under the chair. it has two circles.

they’re green. i h**e a picture, too. it’s in my bag.

it has ten stars and four ********s. the stars are blue. the ********s are red.

)1. lily’s picture is small.

)2. pat’s picture has five orange stars.

)3. ken’s picture is on the chair.

)4. i h**e no picture.

)5. my picture has two squares and three stars.

参***。、read and write. 看**,选单词。(10%)

circle 2. a ******** 3. a star 4. a square 5. a picture

、translation. 英汉互译。(20%)

pat 的图画___pat’s picture___谁的圆形___whose circle_

2个正方形_two squares5个三角形__five stars_

1颗黄色的星星__one yellow star__ no circles__没有圆圈_

give to lily_给lilyhis star __他的星星___

her hat___她的帽子picture 5___图5__

、fill in the blanks. 选词填空。(20%),

1. look at tim. _his___eyes are big.

is lily. she has a picture. _her___picture is small.

3. _who___is that? that’s miss liang.

小学PEP英语三年级上册第四单元检测题 附听力材料

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