
发布 2020-11-21 15:04:28 阅读 3888



时间 40分钟等级___书写等级___



) 1. a. hand b. head c. and

) 2. a. small b. tail c. tall

) 3. a. big b. thin c. dog

) 4. a. child b. giraffe c. children

) 5. a. dad b. fat c. cat



)1. look at the (elephant, giraffe) .

)2. it has a (short, long)tail.

)3. mike has big(eyes, ears) .

)4. look at the duck. it’s so (fat, small) .

)5. look at the girl. she’s (tall, short) .


)and it has big ears.

)look at the elephant.

)come here! children.

)wow! it has a long nose.

)i love elephants.



)1 a. catb. fat c. bird

) head c. right

) b. horse c. giraffe

) b. bear c. zoo

) b. where c. good

)6. a. monkey b. short c. long

)7. a. eye b. small c. ear

) 8. a. seven b. two c. tail

)9. a. elephant b. dog c. teacher

) b. big c. small


)1. it __a small head.

a. h**e b. has

) eyes small.

a. your b. you

( )3. look___my cat.

a. in b. at

( )4. it has small

a. ears b. ear

( )big body.

) small __thin.

a. but b. and

) big one is a(an) _

a. cat b. elephant

) has __eyes.

a. big b. short

) 9. the giraffe __so tall.

a. is b. are

) 10. the rabbit has long __

a. ears b. eyes


) are you froma. i am from china.

2. look at the giraffeb. he is my father.

is that manc. it is so tall.

is my friend, amy. d. no, she isn’t.

5. is she your mothere. nice to see you, amy.


( )1.你看到一头很胖的猪,你会说___

a. it’s so fat. b. it’s so big. c. it’s so short.

)2. 你想邀请你的朋友跟你一起去动物园时,你可以说:__

a. look at the zoo. b. let’s go to the zoo. c. it’s a zoo.

)3. “看看那只猴子。”可以说。

a. look at that giraffe. b. look at that monkey. c. look at that bear.

)4. 你想形容一只熊又矮又胖时,你可以说。

a. it is big and fat. b. it is short and fat. c. it is tall and big.

)5. 你想知道有多少只动物时,你可以说。

a. how many animals are there? b. how are these animals?


boys and girls: let’s go to the zoo! wow!

do you know all the animals? look! here comes a tiger!

it’s so big! it’s yellow and black. i see a zebra!

it’s not very tall. it’s black and white. are they monkeys?

no! the big one is a gorilla. the small one is a monkey.

i love amimals.

) are at he zoo.

) tiger is small.

) zebra is yellow and black.

) see two monkeys.

) 5. i don’t like animals.


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